
Aaron VanDerlip

A programmer who develops Plone sites for small environmental, social justice and community-based organizations.

Alexander Limi

Nominate Alexander Limi, Plone co-founder and User Interface designer at Google Inc. for the Plone Foundation board in 2007.

Andy McKay

Contributor to Plone in many ways for a few years

Darci Hanning

Technology Development Counsultant of the Oregon State Library. Assisting small and rural public libraries in creating dynamic and useful Plone-based websites for themselves and for their patrons. She's also known as "geeklibrarian" on IRC.

David Siedband

Environmental consultant using Plone to help NGOs collaborate and share information

Fabio Rizzo Matos

Plone Developer and Trainer

Francesco Ciriaci

A way I could help achieving foudation goals and keep Plone successful doing the things I can do best.

Geir Bækholt

Nomination for Geir Bækholt (aka. "elvix") of Plone Solutions AS, Norway.

Jan Murre

Consultant an co-owner of Pareto, the Netherlands.

Jean-Paul Ladage

As a developer Jean-Paul Ladage has been contributing actively for the past four year and as a manager he has proven to attract interesting enterprise level customers. If you want Plone to grow to a real ECM solution vote for him!

Nate Aune

Owner and Developer, Jazkarta (Boston, MA), founder of Plone4Artists and Boston Plone Users Group

Nomination Directions

How to Nominate Yourself, and What to Expect

Paul Everitt

Executive Director of the Plone Foundation, co-founder of Zope

Richard Amerman

Owner of 7 Tech NW, Plone developer and trainer

Sasha Vinčić

Make the community stronger and bigger while we push Plone forward with Zope 3 technologies.


My campaign platform. Seconded by Jodok Batlogg.