Event Sponsorship Request
The Plone Foundation sponsors events related to Plone, and its community.
The Plone Foundation can support various kinds of activities and events, from representing Plone at tradeshows to local sprints.
Promoting Plone is one of the core activities of the Plone Foundation. To do that, the Foundation can support members of the community in their activities.
In general, there are a few main types of events that can be sponsored in part by the Foundation.
Please note: this is what is in the budget. Of course, there can always be different events that fall outside of these categories. In which case, don't despair! You can still ask the Foundation for support, but you'll have to be extra convincing on why this is essential for Plone.
So that we can have an orderly and clear process for funding, all requests must be made through one of these two forms:
Prior to filling out the form, you need to perform due diligence to understand the local laws surrounding what types and limits of insurance coverage you are required to carry for the proposed event. Given that the laws and regulations differ wildly around the world, this is something that the Plone Foundation cannot help you with. But we want to be sure that neither you nor the Plone Foundation are exposed to undue risks on this front.
No requests will be considered without filling out the form. Do not email the Foundation board or the marketing team with requests directly, although you can, of course, contact the board or the marketing team later with more specific information.
If you receive event sponsorship funds, we'll expect you to provide a brief report-back to the Plone community via this form, which will also serve as your official request for reimbursement from the Plone Foundation.
Of course, we really appreciate longer write-backs as well, so there can be a news item on this site. And remember, there is always friendly help available if you are not the kind of person that normally writes great articles, or if you normally are, but English is not your first language!