Francesco Ciriaci
A way I could help achieving foudation goals and keep Plone successful doing the things I can do best.
Who I am:
- Francesco Ciriaci (also known as ilBestio)
- A Plone supporter and evangelist since 2001. Member of the community since, even though I'm not a developer so little code gets out from me. Passionate with UIs, usability, CSS, but also pretty hard struggling with workflow and versioning problems.
- One of the main actors in the Italian Zope/Plone community, I contribute mainly organizing meetings, sprints, and barbeques :) I've fostered the creation of the Associazione Zope Italia.
- Member of ZEA Partner since the beginning, I've worked with a good number of Zope/Plone companies around the world in many challenging projects.
- Fond of Free/Open Source software, studing Intellectual Property issues and OSS business models since 2000.
- My main hobby is to run Reflab, a Plone Business company in Italy, even though I really enjoy doing UI stuff and CSS.
Why I'm interested
I think it would be a very good use of my "mixed skills" in technology, management and marketing. I'd like to help achieving foudation goals and keep Plone successful doing things I can do best.
What I think I can add to the Plone Foundation
As above I think I could give to the PF my skills in economics, marketing and Open Source Models; I also wish my knowledge of the CMS market and Plone Business can prove useful. Due to my working experiences it's easy for me to make advocacy and promote the platform I choosed, yet I'm used to be realistic and balance developers constraints with users needs. I've also a quite good understanding of Intellectual Property management, though I'm not a specialist.
Seconded by
Paul Everitt