
Alexander Limi

Founder of Plone, now working at Google. Previous vice-president of the board, and involved in the overall direction of Plone's future.

Darci Hanning

Technology Development Consultant of the Oregon State Library where I assist small and rural public libraries in creating dynamic and useful Plone-based websites ("Plinkit") for themselves and for their patrons. I'm also known as "darcilicious" (previously "geeklibrarian") on IRC.

Geir Bækholt

Geir Bækholt — Managing director of international consultancy Plone Solutions, also known as baekholt in in irc (prev. elvix)

Joel Burton

Joel Burton is a Plone developer, integrator, and trainer. He served on the board for two previous terms, acting as the Board Chair. He is "joelburton" in IRC.

Jon Stahl

Plone integrator at ONE/Northwest; Plone Conference 2006 organizer; frequently seen on IRC as, um, 'jonstahl' ;-)

Nate Aune

Plone consultant and founder of Jazkarta, Plone4Artists and the Boston Plone users group.

Roberto Allende

I'm co-founder of PloneConoSur, the Latin American contact for PloneGov Project and i'm very interested to continue working promoting plone on my region and worldwide.

Sasha Vinčić

Make the community stronger and bigger while we push Plone forward.

Sreekanth S Rameshaiah

Co-founder of Mahiti Infotech Pvt. Ltd. an Indian company which specialises in Python/ Zope/ Plone based solutions for civil society.

Steve McMahon

Plone consultant and integrator specializing in non-profit organizations. SteveM on #plone and smcmahon on Plone.Org.