Joel Burton
Joel Burton is a Plone developer, integrator, and trainer. He served on the board for two previous terms, acting as the Board Chair. He is "joelburton" in IRC.
I'm interested in re-joining the board to help further Foundation's goals.
My accomplishments on the previous boards were:
- Served as Chair of the Board for 2005 and 2006. Organized the board meetings and agenda. Organized a retreat board session held at the first CIGNEX sprint.
- Served on the trademark and membership committees. Chaired the membership committee in 2005.
- Spoke at several conferences on Plone and acted in a significant role in media and marketing outreach.
- Worked with Paul Everitt to create contributor agreement and legal framework for contributions to the Foundation.
My non-Board contributions to the community have included:
- Frequent sprint contributor and conference speaker.
- Taught almost 2,000 students core skills for Plone Integrators via "Plone Bootcamps".
- Significant presence in #plone helping with support issues.
- Author of several add-on products, including: Plone Help Center (powering the documentation center on, Plone Software Center (powering the add-on products section), and Plone Services Center (powering
- Integrator behind several large, public facing Plone sites.
- Service on many community committees, such as conference committees, board committees, policy group, and others.
My goals for this year are primarily:
- Help Plone strengthen it's strategy with regard to audience and marketing.
- Help create a more sustainable income stream for the Foundation.
- Provide support for other Board members goals (identifying resources, making connections in the community).
Seconded: Jon Stahl (Foundation Member)