Jon Stahl

Plone integrator at ONE/Northwest; Plone Conference 2006 organizer; frequently seen on IRC as, um, 'jonstahl' ;-)

I am a Program Manager at ONE/Northwest, a nonprofit organization that helps environmental NGOs create greater civic engagement by providing technology and communications strategy consulting. 

We've been using Plone to build websites since early 2005, and have launched over 100 Plone-powered sites since then.  We've been active members of the Plone community since then, both as organizers and advocates.  I led the team that organized Plone Conference 2006.  I'm not a programmer; my talents are in organizing, strategy, communications and planning.  I care passionately about the future of Plone-the-community and Plone-the-software, and I think that serving on the Plone Foundation is a tremendous opportunity to be of service to Plone.

I've been observed blogging at and at

Nomination seconded by: Joel Burton