Roberto Allende

I'm co-founder of PloneConoSur, the Latin American contact for PloneGov Project and i'm very interested to continue working promoting plone on my region and worldwide.

Who am i

I'm a Plone activist and also a consultant working at menttes. I work with Plone since 3 years now. Some of my contributions are:


I've been involved on

Free Software Communities on Argentina

, also organized a

Free Software Convention

wich met 2000 persons in August 2007.

You can read more details



Why i am interested

I'm interested to work to promote the use of  Plone and contribute with community foundation, in particular I'm focused on Spanish-speaker market, although i'm interested to contribute on other places too. I usually travel to Free Software conventions promoting plone, organizing mini courses, just to promote Plone and its communities.

What do i think i can add to the Plone Foundation

  • Work to make the Plone community grow. I'm focused on user groups i would love to support the creation of new users groups worldwide.
  • Since my previous experiences, i strongly believe i can help getting finantial support (in case it's needed)
  • I'd like to participate and then contribute on strategical discussions.
  • I'm interested to promote plone on non-english markets. I'd like to contribute and work in order to have plone support in other languages.


PF members that "second" my nomination

  • Xavier Heymans
  • Godefroid Chapelle
  • Nate Aune
  • Maik Röder


I also have the support of non plone foundation members:

  • Facundo Batista - Argentina
    Core Python Developer, member By Merit of the Python Software Foundation
  • Erico Andrei
    Python Brazil Marketin Leader