Plone Foundation Board Minutes October 19, 2023

Meeting start at 19:05 UTC


Present: Martin Peeters, Brian Davis, Mikel Larreategi, Éric Bréhault, Kim Paulissen, Paul Roeland, Guido Stevens


Approval of the minutes of September 28, 2023

Paul Roeland moved to approve the minutes, Martin Peeters seconds. Passed unanimously.

Approval of the minutes of the Annual Business Meeting of October 6, 2023

Martin Peeters moved to approve, Mikel Larreategi seconds. Passed unanimously.

Incoming correspondence:

  • Mail on revitalizing the Plone Ambassador program.

New business

Election of officers for this term of the Board

President: Paul Roeland moved, and Éric Bréhault seconded, that Martin Peeters be elected President. Unanimously approved.

Vice President: Mikel Larreategi moved, and Éric Bréhault seconded, that Kim Paulissen be elected Vice President. Unanimously approved.

Secretary: Brian Davis moved, and Martin Peeters seconds, that Éric Bréhault be elected Secretary. Unanimously approved.

Confirmation of Treasurer: Paul Roeland moved, and Guido Stevens seconded, that Beth Smith be confirmed to continue in the role of Treasurer.

Thank you, Beth, for providing this important support for the Plone Foundation!

Membership committee chair: Guido Stevens moved, and Kim Paulissen seconds, that Paul Roeland will be the Membership Committee chair.

Marketing team chairs: The Marketing committee needs to have a Board member co-chair, as per our bylaws. Paul moved, and Martin seconds, to appoint Brian Davis as co-chair of the Marketing committee, with Rikupekka Oksanen as the other co-chair.

Other roles

Plone Ambassadors

The role of Plone Ambassadors will be revived; a number of candidates have already expressed interest. Ambassadors can be from a specific country or region, but also represent a particual audience; examples would be education/universities, local government, etc.

We will approach previous ambassadors and seek input for new ambassadors in the coming weeks.

Sponsorship Coordinator

We thank T.Kim Nguyen for the work he did last year, and welcome Érico Andrei in the role for the coming year.

Team Liaisons

There can be Board liaisons with specific teams. The task of the liaison is to keep informed of the respective team's functioning; to make sure that input from those teams reaches the Board where useful and to support the teams when needed. We note that this role is less important since the revitalization of the Steering Circle, where all teams should have representation and voice.

We will decide in two weeks where liaisons are useful, and who of the Board will fulfill that role for which team(s)

Continued Business

Zope Foundation funds

[executive session]


Quaive instance: There is now a Quaive instance for Plone Foundation use - this needs to be further set up. Guido Stevens will follow up with Fred van Dijk.

1password and other administrative tasks: accounts need to be set up for new Board members. Paul Roeland to follow up.

Adjourn: Kim Paulissen moved, and Martin Peeters seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 20.05 UTC