Minutes of the meeting of January 26, 2012

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting starts at 22:06 CET


  • Attendance:
    Present: Matt, Carol, Geir, Érico, Maurizio, Paul
    Absent with notice: Sjoerd
  • Minutes of the meetings of January 12, 2012 and January 21, 2012:
    Érico moves to approve, Geir seconds, unanimous approval.


Old Business:

  • Plone Trademark:
    We've received a lawyer form for renewing the US trademark. Has been taken care of.
    For the European seat of the Foundation, the legal situation for holding trademark in Europe as a U.S. legal entity will also be followed up with the legal people.
  • Cleaning up and updating information on plone.org and mailinglists
    Maurizio is working with several people on this, progress is being made.
    The Cioppino Sprint participants will take on the task of creating a more engaging 'get involved' section of the plone.org website.

New Business

  • Pycon 2012 (USA) sponsorship
    The Plone Foundation is now one of the non-profit sponsors of USA Pycon 2012, and will be able to spread some marketing materials to the attendants.
  • License of plone.batching
    We've received a request by Tom Gross, the current maintainer of plone.batching, to re-license that package under BSD license.
    There is some code in there for which the Foundation holds the copyright.
    The Foundation sees the reasoning behind this re-license.

    After discussion, Geir moves to approve the request to re-license plone.batching under the BSD license. Paul seconds, unanimous approval.

Érico moves to close the meeting, Maurizio seconds. Unanimous approval.

The meeting closes at 22:44 CET.