Plone Foundation Board Minutes February 16, 2023
Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC
Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters
Excused: Paul Roeland
Minutes from meeting of 2 February 2023
The minutes were reviewed and edited. Jens Klein moved to accept the minutes as revised; Kim Paulissen seconded.
Passed unanimously
Action Items
Erico email about the budget - still pending
AI team fix mail sending from - still pending
Incoming correspondence
Nothing needing a response
New Business
Rules and permissions for Plone Foundation Github Organizations - The accidental deletion of three repos from the GitHub repository shows a need to better manage permissions there.
[ Executive Session ]
Maurits and Fred are expected to take on responsibility for managing permissions, following a standard that the board is working to develop.
Continuing Business
Plone Conference 2023
The date is set and hotel negotiations are ongoing; the conference team has arrived at a timeline. They are meeting every two weeks, on Tuesday. We expect a Call for Papers to be issued before June, possibly in April just after World Plone Day.
Sponsorship - T. Kim Nguyen will be meeting with Fulvio soon to get access to the sponsor database.
Contributor Agreement Digitization - still on track for review at the end of February.
Zope Foundation Funds
[Executive Session]
A subgroup will meet outside of Board time to address the specifics of this project : Erico, Jens, Matthew Wilkes, and William.
Review Ongoing
Steering Circle - Tabled until the March 2 meeting.
Alpine City Sprint - News items forthcoming. Large Thank You to Jens and Christine for organizing.
Marketing team - is well into World Plone Day planning.
Board meeting open session - On of our meeting dates will be moved to 26 April (World Plone Day) and will be broadcast live.
Kim Paulissen moved and Martin Peeters seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 21:13 UTC