Minutes for September 7, 2017
Meeting called to order at 19:05 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer
Absent: None!
Approval of the minutes of August 24
Kim moved to approve, Victor seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Sponsorship request - Kim followed up with a sponsorship request that was potentially spam, did not hear back
Incoming Correspondence
- Zope 4 Phoenix Sprint - Framework team officially approved it as a strategic sprint. We had already approved funding for it as a strategic sprint.
- Domain Name Consolidation - The Plone Foundation has offered to take over any existing prominent domains with Plone in the name so we can make sure the domains are not lost and taken over by spammers. Kim is coordinating with the AI team for taking care of them. Nutter has been given the go-ahead for filing a complaint for plonegov.org
- OSI representation at ACT-W - OSI is looking for volunteers to help at a couple conferences. The request will be sent out to community in case anyone want to attend.
- Idealware Sponsored Ad - $250 for a quarter-page ad in an Idealware publication for non-profits. Artwork/Text would be due first week of October. In the past, there was an issue of Idealware taking money from Plone for the ad since we are a CMS that they evaluate. Kim will check if that is an issue in this case. If so, we may have a provider take out the ad.
Continued Business
- PloneConf 2017 - 103 tickets sold, still pushing for more. Training schedule is complete and will be published soon. They are short on talks (at 23, need 44), so Victor sent out mail to people that have presented in the past. Several new sponsors: Pilot Systems, CodeSyntax, Syslab, VNC, Interactiv. Need at least 13 beds for trainers, which are already reserved. More are available about 15 minutes away, which will be requested in case they are needed. DjangoGirls training will not be during the training days, but on Saturday. They already have a sponsorship that will provide food for 100 people. The problem is that the University is closed, so it would cost more. Victor needs to coordinate and check with the University. It would be good to have them as part of the conference and for them to have visibility.
- Plone 5.1 - The Framework team met on Tuesday and decided we would have an RC1 release this week. The sprint was not much of a success, since participation was low. But all blockers have been removed, and migrations from Plone 4 tested. There is now an upgrade guide to 5.1.
Google Summer of Code - Cris Ewing joined to give us a report out from GSOC. We had 5 projects, 4 completed successfully. The fifth had a workable start in the code, but the student had some difficulty in communicating with the community. Cris did a great job as coordinator, and allowed the mentors to work autonomously. The feedback from the students is that their mentors and community were very good. Cris and David Bain will be attending the Mentor Summit next month. Kim will promote the GSOC results on Twitter and plone.org.
Thank you Cris for all your work! Cris is looking to come up with some new ideas for next year's projects, and plans on leading again next year.Conference Travel: Students with passing projects can request a stipend from Google for attending a conference, and it would be approved by our GSOC mentor/admins. This can be used for any tech conference if they are unable to attend the Plone Conference.
- Funding for GSOC students to PloneConf - We will spend the money we get from Google on the students. We will request that the students send us a reasonable budget before the next meeting. Also each student needs to give a talk about their projects. Paul will work with Cris on the organization.
- Board Renewal Cycle - Needs to be published. We will open the October 5 board meeting to anyone that is interested in joining the board. Chrissy will start prep for member renewal. Kim will create and publish the necessary pages and news items.
- PloneConf 2018 - We may have another location interested in submitting a proposal, in addition to the two we already knew were interested. No official proposals have come in yet.
Review Ongoing
- Webinar - Nutter is looking to do a webinar called "Zope & Plone -- How a Commercial Software Product Launched an Open Source Software Community" - and asked if we could provide someone who could give the talk. Kim will be in contact with Paul Everitt to check.
- Pyramid Training at PloneConf - At the moment, there will not be a Pyramid training at the conference. Kim will reach out about possibly getting one.
Alexander moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:34 UTC