Minutes for September 21, 2017
Meeting called to order at 19:04 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer
Absent: None!
Approval of the minutes of September 7
Alexander moved to approve, Philip seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Webinar with Nutter - Paul Everitt agreed to do the Zope & Plone webinar
Incoming Correspondence
- Sponsorship Requests - New sponsorship from Cloud19 - thank you! We also had a sponsorship request from a company that said they are part of the Plone community, but we don't know who they are. Kim will do more diligence to check if they are part of the community. General reminder that we only accept sponsorship from companies use Plone or are a part of the community, so that we aren't just advertising for random companies.
- Public Money Public Code Campaign - Paul received a request if we would sign on as a supporting organization (https://publiccode.eu). We would have our logo displayed on their website, and it doesn't cost anything. Philip moved to support, Alexander seconded. Unanimously approved. Paul will send an email to let them know we are interested in supporting them.
New Business
- Zope Mailing List - Jim Fulton emailed us to check if we would take over the Zope Mailing List archives. Philip recommended we relay the question on to the AI team, since this could take a bit of effort. Philip will get in contact with the AI team to check what our options are. Paul will respond to Jim to let him know our plan.
- Sponsorship Request from Kiwi Pycon - Since we have sponsored Kiwi PyCon in the past, we were asked about sponsoring again this year. Chrissy will check if anyone from the Plone community is planning to attend, and if they could take care of a Plone Booth. If so, we will sponsor the event.
- Idealware Sponsored Ad - Ad is due to Idealware the first week of October. Paul will take care of getting it sent to them. Thanks to William Fennie and David Bain who have jumped in to help!
Continued Business
- PloneConf 2017 - Have a preliminary list of talks, still need adjustments, but there are enough talks to fill the time.
- GSOC Students Travel Stipend - We have $4200 total from Google to disperse among the students ($3000 for GSOC, $1200 leftover for the mentor summit after taking care of Cris Ewing and David Bain's expenses). 4 students are planning to attend the Plone Conference. Victor says the conference fee can be waived for the students. We decided to provide a total of $2000 as top-up, and divide it with less money going to the EU-based student. Alexander made the motion to provide $2000 above the funds Google provides, Carol second, Unanimously approved.
- Board Renewal Cycle - document has been published, membership renewal is in progress
- PloneConf 2018 CFP - -- executive session -- No official submissions yet, but we know of a couple groups still working on proposals.
- Domain Name Trademark - waiting on Nutter.
Review Ongoing
- -- executive session --
- Thanks to Matt Carlton at Six Feet Up for taking care of fixing servers over the weekend
Philip moved to adjourn, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:05 UTC