Minutes for October 5, 2017
Meeting called to order at 19:09 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer
Absent: None
Approval of the minutes of September 21
Carol moved to approve, Alexander seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Zope & Plone Nutter Webinar - will happen tomorrow
- Zope Mailing Lists - Philip did not get a reply from the admins. It will be discussed at the conference, Paul will update Jim on our current status.
- Kiwi PyCon - Chrissy sent out a message to coordinate with people that might be attending. One is waiting on his talk to be accepted, and then he will for sure be attending. We will have a booth set up, if so.
- Idealware - work is being done on getting an ad put together to submit to Idealware. Kim will coordinate with Idealware.
Incoming Correspondence
- Sponsorship Request - thank you to theVirtual Limited in New Zealand for your sponsorship!
New Business
- Prospective Board Members - a few submissions have been put in
- Reporting for Annual Membership Meeting - Paul started the document, it is in progress.
- Situation in Barcelona - There is concern about the potential conflict situation in the Barcelona area right now. Most organizers feel there could be a slight inconvenience, but that no visitors would be in danger. There are no current governmental travel advisories. Victor had sent out an email to the attendees yesterday letting them know that visitors should be safe.
Continued Business
- PloneConf 2018 - One very promising proposal is in! Paul will contact one of the submitters to ask a couple clarifying questions.
- PloneConf 2017 - 151 tickets sold. Victor thinks there will be at least 163. All preparations are being finalized. Sally is leading the volunteer effort.
- Domain Name Trademark Enforcement - still waiting on Nutter
Review Ongoing
- Foundation Membership Renewal - We are poking people specifically to renew their memberships
- -- executive session --
- GSOC Mentor Meetups will be happening in a few places
- Plone 5.1 rc1 is out and looks nice
- Philip has also been working on getting Plone full working on Zope 4.
Alexander moved to adjourn, Chrissy seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:35 UTC