Minutes for November 30, 2017

Meeting called to order at 20:09 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Philip Bauer, Víctor Fernández de Alba

Absent: None

Approval of the minutes of November 16

Victor moved to approve, Kim seconded

Unanimously Approved

Incoming Correspondence

  • Funding Request - Alpine City Sprint, approved as a strategic sprint by the Framework Team. Carol moved to approve up to $4000, Philip second, Unanimously approved. Paul will talk to Jens

New Business

  • Infrastructure update - Paragon has been shut down. Plan is in place for rest of the work to be done at the end of December.
  • 2018 Budget prep - Paul and Carol will begin work in the next few weeks.

Continued Business

  • Tokyo 2018 - The Conference sprint took place. We will have more information about that soon.
  • Report from Barcelona - A lot of the videos have gone up online, the rest will be up in the next day or two. Still waiting on the invoice from the University before they can do a final financial report.
  • Domain issues - no new news for now.

Review Ongoing

  • 20171128 Security Hotfix - thanks to Maurits, Alexander, Jens, Kim and Sam for all their work done on the recent Hotfix.
  • Baby Carrot Sprint - The Pastanaga Sprint in Bonn did a very good job on advancing Pastanaga/React (Plone 6 UI). The are working on setting up a demo server. There is still more work to be done, but is making great progress. See https://kitconcept.com/blog/pastanaga-sprint-bonn-2017-report for more information.
  • Windows Installer for Plone - Kim has forked it to the Plone organization in Github.


Alexander moved to adjourn, Philip seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:48 UTC