Minutes for May 4, 2017

May the Fourth be with you

Meeting called to order at 19:07 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer

Absent: None

Approval of the minutes of April 20

Philip moved to approve, Paul seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

Incoming Correspondence

  • Domain Check - We received a notification that plone.rs has been registered as a domain. We have confirmed that it was registered for Plone community purposes, which is within the guidelines.
  • Sponsorship Request-  from operun (https://www.operun.de). Thanks for your support!
  • Sponsorship Request - from an individual claiming to develop with Plone, but his associated organization has nothing to do with Plone. His request will be declined unless the sponsoring organization is related to Plone.
  • Event Funding Request - from University of Jyväskylä for the Midsummer Strategic Sprint, requesting $1500 to help with travel expenses. The UX team declares it to be strategic. Carol moved to approve $1500 for the expenses, Alexander seconded, Unanimously approved. Victor will notify Asko Soukka.

New Business

  • PLOG - had 23 people, lots of discussions, lots of enthusiasm. Still working to collect all of the blog posts. There is a new PLIP on updating the Resource Registries. Kim will be writing a summary report with links to the other existing blog posts. Philip will confer with Eric Brehault on a report out on the 2020 Roadmap, which will include an outline of what will be in each of the upcoming Plone versions.
  • Halle Sprint - Currently in progress and proceeding well with DocumentTemplate, RestrictedPython, and AccessControl. Will be a lot of work to move to Python 3. Zope is looking good. [[ Executive Session about discussions from the Sprint ]]

Continued Business

  • PyCon - On track, materials are being shipped to Cris Ewing so he can drive them down. There will be a podium discussion about Zope with various people that created and built Zope.
  • Euro Python - Paul will tweet from the Plone account about things happening with Euro Python, there are two Plone talks in the proposals.
  • Plone 5.1 Planning - still planning to release ASAP, moving from beta to release candidate
  • GSOC - Ready to go! 5 students from various countries, plenty of mentors.

Review Ongoing

  • World Plone Day - had 22 people in Munich, very positive feedback on the state and future of Plone. Japan had good attendance. University of Bologna was expecting a large group (~85).
  • UW Software Engineering Class - will demo what they worked on next Wednesday.
  • Paul mentioned we have gotten a steady stream of contributor agreements signed. 2-3 people per week from all over the world.
  • Plone.org is now on Plone 5.1. Profile stats are hidden for now because they were only showing 0s. Homepage stats have been updated to be more accurate.

Alexander moved to adjourn, Paul seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:11 UTC