Minutes for June 1, 2017

Meeting called to order at 20:08 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer, Carol Ganz

Absent: Chrissy Wainwright (excused) 

Kim is taking minutes today.

Approval of the minutes of May 17, 2017

Alexander moved to approve, Paul seconded. Unanimously approved.

Check if action items were followed up

  • UW Oshkosh Student Project (Windows installer for Plone) - Kim created a campaign set to end June 29 at https://crowdspire.org/campaign/windows-installer-for-plone using Wildcard Corp.'s new crowdfunding platform and began advertising it to the community. As of June 1, 2017, it already had 3 donors. 

Incoming Correspondence

  • EuroPython travel funding request. Paul requested $500 USD for travel to EuroPython to promote Plone. Alexander moves. Philip seconds. Paul abstains. Passed with none opposed.

New Business

  • PyCon feedback was positive overall. For next year in Cleveland, Ohio, we will again request a booth, will assist with on site Plone marketing and promotion, including budgeting to send a volunteer coordinator, creating and managing a booth volunteer schedule. 

Continued Business

  • PyCon Web conference in Munich - we had a good presence including at lightning talks. 150+ attendees. Discussion of how to apply the experience to Ploneconf planning (talk schedule, topic mixing, tagging, filtering, importance of open spaces, sprints and other self-organizing opportunities). Group photo: https://twitter.com/opensourceorg/status/869606837552914433
  • EuroPython - Alessandro Pisa's talk has been accepted and will include Plone's roadmap. https://ep2017.europython.eu/conference/talks/plone-where-is-it-today-and-where-is-it-going
  • Plone 5.1 is still being worked on, with important fixes continuing to be merged.
  • Google Summer of Code - Everything going well. Cris Ewing coordinating students and mentors effectively. Will need to decide who goes to the mentor summit at the Googleplex the weekend before Barcelona Plone conference.

Review Ongoing

  • Plone conf 2017 has lined up a second silver sponsor. Contacting potential keynote speakers. Plone conf was pitched nicely at Pycon Web. The organizers have agreed to handle US sponsor payments via the Foundation (i.e. the same way as the 2015 Bucharest conference). 
  • Zope Phoenix sprint announced for Sept. 13-15, 2017.
  • New Instagram accounts for PloneCMS and Ploneconf, at instagram.com/plonecms and instagram.com/ploneconf respectively.
  • "Plone" Facebook page: the hunt continues for the owner/administrator (note: the marketing/communications team actively uses the "PloneCMS" Facebook page)

Alexander moved to adjourn, Philip seconded. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 20:58 UTC