Minutes for July 27, 2017
Meeting called to order at 19:04 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer
Absent: None!
Approval of the minutes of June 29
Alexander moved to approve, Philip seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- German University Annual Plone Meeting News Post - Alexander still needs to gather information for Kim.
New Business
- Sponsorship Proposal - Wildcard has requested premium sponsorship in exchange for services, time, and hardware provided. Philip moved to approve, Victor seconded, Motion passes. Sponsorship will be reviewed yearly.
- Virtual Machine Request - The AI team has requested funds ($12.50 a month) for hosting containers for documentation and Planet Plone. They have already been approved for a budget up to $100 a month, so no vote is needed.
- Board Renewal Cycle - Paul has updated the 2017 membership meeting folder in Google Docs. We should be starting the renewal cycle in September. We should also start putting out the call for 2018 Conference proposals, and for anyone interested in joining the board. https://plone.org/events/conferences/plone-conference-2018/2018-call-for-proposals
- Funding for GSOC Students to PloneConf - We plan to check interest from the students if they might be thinking about attending the conference. The students are from Finland, Jamaica, and India.
- GSOC Mentor summit - is happening just before the Plone Conference. Cris will try to attend both, and is looking for another mentor that could attend with him.
- Domain Name Trademark - plonegov.org has been picked up by a new owner, and is being used as an ad farm. Kim will contact Nutter about steps we can do to have the site taken down.
Continued Business
- 2017 Plone Conference - 68 tickets have been sold! Working on a sponsorship push. About to publish the confirmed trainings. Dinner has been secured
- Plone 5.1 - Philip will contact Eric Steele and Eric Brehault to check the status, what is needed, and if we can move to release candidate status, and if a remote sprint can be organized to help. One thing is that an upgrade guide to 5.1 is needed.
- GSOC - One of the mentor teams hasn't done their review. If it's not done, Alexander will take care of it, since we have deadlines.
Review Ongoing
- EuroPython - we had a good crowd, about 12 committed Plone people. The talk was very well received. Alessandro did a talk. Paul did a lightning talk. Lots of people stopping by the booth, many impressed by what Plone is doing. Russ Ferriday and Calvin Hendryx-Parker did a lot of good-will work, and did a great job of talking to people. Paul declared the booth a success.
- The Midsummer Sprint in Finland went very well, and was very well organized. http://tech.blog.jyu.fi/2017/07/midsummer-sprint-final-report.html
- Jean Ferri passed away on June 29. We are very grateful for Jean and all that he did with the South American Plone community. https://plone.org/news/2017/in-memoriam-jean-ferri
Carol moved to adjourn, Philip seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:19 UTC