Minutes for January 26, 2017
Meeting called to order at 20:03 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer, Carol Ganz
Absent: none
Approval of the minutes of January 12
Philip moved to approve, Alexander seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Wording on Installer - Set up in a draft, needs to be copied over from Google Doc (Kim will do this). A new Plone release will be coming out soon, too.
- FOSSASIA - Paul still not sure if going
- PyCon Philippines - It doesn't sound like anyone is going, so we will decline sponsorship
- Salesforce Grants - no progress, still on Kim's Todo
- World Plone Day - getting off the ground
- Plone Road Map document has been published
Incoming Correspondence
- PyCon Sponsorship - Cris noticed Plone is not yet sponsoring PyCon. Paul has not gotten an email about it from PyCon yet, but he will take care of it, and sign up for a booth.
New Business
- Google Summer of Code 2017 - Cris Ewing is taking the lead, and has started discussion for topics and looking for mentors. Cris, Matthew, and Paul will be the admins. A news item is being put together, Paul is taking care of putting the information together for Google to attract students.
- Idealware Demo - Idealware reached out to Cris Ewing about doing an updated review of Plone for their Consumers Guide to CMSs, after the one they did in 2014. Cris and Kim will be doing a demo with them on Saturday. Kim, Paul, and Philip are helping with prep.
- Policy Review - Kim put together a document for how Conferences should handle finances, if they are to use the Foundation as the financial agent. We discussed the document. Philip moved to approve the Event Financial Policy, Chrissy seconded, Unanimously approved. It is published at https://plone.org/foundation/materials/foundation-resolutions/plone-event-financial-policy.
Continued Business
- Budget - Paul and Carol have gone over the budget, and we reviewed it. Philip moved to accept the budget, Kim seconded. Unanimously approved. Paul will publish on plone.org over the weekend.
- Sponsorship - Jen created a report of sponsors for Kim to go though and will send out invoices for sponsors to renew. He has sent out a thank you to current sponsors.
- Membership Committee - 3 people have dropped off the committee, and they have 3 new members to replace them: Maik Derstappen, Peter Holzer, Asko Soukka. Philip moved to approve, Carol seconded. Unanimously approved. Philip will update the page on plone.org, Kim will send out a news item.
- PLOG prep - 13 registrations, 1 more month for registration. They are finalizing the sprint topics.
Review Ongoing
- Kim is helping with a class at Oshkosh that starts on Monday. 18 students will be going through the Mastering Plone training course for the first half of the class, then will work on a Plone project, which is still being selected.
Alexander moved to adjourn, Victor seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 21:18 UTC