Minutes for August 24, 2017

Meeting called to order at 19:02 UTC



Present: Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba

Absent: Paul Roeland (excused), Philip Bauer

Approval of the minutes of August 10

Kim moved to approve, Chrissy seconded

Unanimously Approved

New Business

  • Sponsorship request - we had one request that does not seem to be legit, Kim will follow up to ask for more details.

Continued Business

  • 2017 Plone Conference - 84 Tickets sold, 53 days left. Going to make a push for more talk proposals. Will also make another push for getting sponsors.
  • Domain Names - Kim tried to contact the owners of plonegov.org, but was not able to get a hold of anyone. He told Nutter to go ahead and proceed with their investigation.
  • Plone 5.1 Planning - The sprint has been moved to next week.
  • GSOC - in the final week, the students have until next Wednesday to submit the final report, then one more week for the mentors to submit their final report. At the moment it is looking like all students will finish.
  • Board Renewal Cycle - The announcement needs to be published. We will open part of one of the board meetings for anyone interested in joining the board to ask questions.
  • PloneConf 2018 Call For Proposals - The CFP is published, and we have two interested cities working on putting a proposal together.

Victor moved to adjourn, Chrissy seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 19:31 UTC