Minutes for August 10, 2017

Meeting called to order at 19:12 UTC



Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel, Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Philip Bauer

Absent: Víctor Fernández de Alba

Approval of the minutes of July 27

Alexander moved to approve, Kim seconded

Unanimously Approved

Action Items

  • VM Request - New VMs are getting set up and Planet Plone should be live in the next week.
  • GSOC Mentor Summit - still figuring out logistics

New Business

  • Sponsorship Updates - Kim will be updating the sponsorship fees beginning in January, and will make a push for sponsorships leading up to that date.
  • Sponsorship Requests - Thank you to Güell Consulting and testalize.me for their sponsorships
  • Event Funding Request 1 - Makina Corpus is requesting funding for the Pastanaga Toulouse Sprint in September. This sprint will focus on the future Plone UI (Pastanaga), and Plone pure front-end solutions. Carol moved to approve up to $750, Philip seconded. Unanimously approved. Paul will follow up.
  • Event Funding Request 2 - Gocept is requesting $1500 for the Zope 4 Phoenix Sprint in September. Their goal is to prepare/make a Zope 4 release, getting everything into Python 3. http://meetu.ps/e/CS67L/tLDfP/f. Philip is confident the Framework team would consider this a strategic sprint. Carol moved to approve up to $1500 for catering and travel, covering $20 per person per day for food and $600 for travel. Philip seconded. Unanimously approved. Alexander will follow up.
  • PloneConf 2018 CFP - Everything is in place on plone.org. Paul will publish this weekend.
  • Board Renewal Cycle Planning - will also be published
  • CMS Gartenfibel (German CMS Garden Brochure) - Alexander needs to update some images in the document, Kim will review the English translation. Metrics comparing CMSs is up to date.
  • GSOC PloneConf Funding - Paul will get in touch with Cris to check which students are or are not interested, and have them figure out their travel/visa expenses. We are actively looking for funding to help the students. PloneConf organizers are also figuring out what kind of housing they can offer.
  • Domain Name trademark enforcement - Nutter said it would cost us $1500 if they were to file a complaint to ICANN about plonegov.org, plus additional fees for preparing the complaint. The site does have links from the old plonegov site, some of which are still active. They've re-purposed the content to include links to the old version of the site, but also included random ads. Kim will first try to contact the site admins to see if they would allow us to buy the domain name back. Kim will also check with the community if anyone has a Plone-related domain name, to offer to have it transferred to the Plone Foundation.

Continued Business

  • 2017 Plone Conference - sold 73 tickets, plus more planning on coming in. Wildcard will be a Bronze sponsor, Six Feet Up Silver, and Jazkarta Gold. Victor has reached out to other possible sponsors.
  • Plone 5.1 - The -pending versions on current releases have been removed. Release candidates coming soon. The Framework Team did not see any blockers. A remote sprint coming up August 21-23 will be focused on bug fixes and documentation for updating from 5.0 - 5.1.
  • GSOC - in the final third stretch. Cris is still doing a great job keeping in touch with everyone.

Alexander moved to adjourn, Philip seconded

Unanimously approved

Meeting adjourned at 20:28 UTC