Minutes for April 6, 2017
Meeting called to order at 19:06 UTC
Present: Paul Roeland, Alexander Loechel (4am in Japan!), Chrissy Wainwright, Kim Nguyen, Carol Ganz, Víctor Fernández de Alba, Philip Bauer
Absent: None
Approval of the minutes of March 23
Alexander moved to approve, Philip seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- Plone Foundation Projects - Paul met with Free Software Foundation Europe. They said that having sub-organizations can be done, we would need to come up with a proposal for what would work for the Plone Foundation and sub-organizations. He has a second meeting with them on Sunday. Carol met with the Apache Foundation; their biggest advice was to keep everything well documented on how the sub-organization would work within the Plone Foundation. The sub-organization would handle their own books and meetings, and report back to the PF regularly. They would also need a contributor agreement like ours, and handle donations and sponsorships the same way we do so as not to affect our 501c3 status. The Plone Foundation would hold all trademarks. More discussion to happen next at PLOG.
Incoming Correspondence
- Planet Plone VM - A new server is needed for Planet Plone, and Wildcard is providing 2 new virtual machines to be used for Planet Plone, Continuous Integration, and other small projects. Thank you to Wildcard!
- Event Funding Request - Developer Association of the Democratic Republic of Congo requested $5000 for a 'Plonecamp' meetup. While we support community meetups, we only support up to $300. Paul will respond to let them know that up to $300 can be reimbursed after sending receipts. Philip moved to approve the $300, Chrissy seconded, Unanimously approved.
New Business
- Sponsorship Renewals - Kim has received some new interest from sponsors after sending out some emails.
- BSI Study - Security study from last year will be officially released soon, but only in German. We are aware of issues the study brought up last year, and those issues have already been fixed in Plone releases since then. Paul, Philip, and Alexander will be open to responding to any questions that come up about the report.
- Quickbooks Online - Jen requested an update to move to an online bookkeeping system. The cost is only slightly more per year than what she had been using, and will be a great help to Jen and Kim for tracking sponsorships. This was approved via email as a regular business cost.
Continued Business
- PLOG - T-shirt design is ready, going to print. Had a meeting about possible agenda items. Final agenda will be decided the first day of PLOG.
- Plone 5.1 Planning - Beta 3 was released this week.
- World Plone Day - Currently 4 events are published on plone.org.
- Google Summer Of Code - Cris Ewing was unable to join. Paul was able to report that we had 42 proposals, we have narrowed down the list to 11. We are currently at the stage of determining how many slots we will request from Google. Cris has done a wonderful job of getting everyone on track.
Review Ongoing
- OSI Vote - Simon Phipps was elected for the Affiliate Member Seat
- Plone.com Success Stories - The plone.com team was poked reminding us that no Success Stories have been published recently. Chrissy will be taking over posting Success Stories regularly starting out of the backlog.
- Plone.org and plone.com each have tasks that need to be done that were not completed before the launch of each site. Philip suggested these could be added as sprint topics.
Philip moved to adjourn, Alexander seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 20:30 UTC