Minutes for May 28, 2015
Paul called us to order.
Attending: Kim Nguyen, Alexander Loechel, Paul Roeland, Cris Ewing
Absent: Carol Ganz, Chrissy Wainwright, Steve McMahon
Kim took the minutes for today's meeting.
Approval of the minutes of May 14, 2015
Kim moved approval, Paul seconded
Unanimously approved
+ check if action items were followed up
All the follow-up items are elsewhere on the agenda
Incoming correspondence
We received a sponsorship request from an organization that has no connection to Plone. The Board had previously decided to refuse such sponsorships. Kim will respond.
The Open Source Initiative offered to have our @plone Twitter account verified, since Twitter is one of the OSI sponsors. Paul had responded to initiate the process.
New Business
Strategic summit followup
UI team has a new leader, Brian Ledwell (@bledwell, bledwell@gmail.com), who works at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and was an instrumental member of its vaunted Plone World Domination Team. Welcome and thank you, Brian!
UI/UX Google Hangout On Air organized by Nathan Van Gheem went well. The recording can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwBQBypGb5w
Christina McNeill is organizing the first marketing/communication rebooted team hangout.
Short executive discussion of one item from the follow up. No motions, no actions
Sponsorship forms and procedures
Kim: Jen Myer's new report will help us stay up to date on which sponsorships are current, so that we can maintain the sponsor lists on plone.org and plone.com.
AWS credit codes
Cris has applied the credit codes for Amazon Web Services (AWS). The balance is currently $1500 and expires at the end of 2016. The current burn rate is only $0.38 every couple of months. Paul suggested we send a note to Asko Soukka who wants to do robot screen shots with AWS. Cris will let Asko know and will track the burn rate. We will apply for a new AWS sponsorship before the expiry of the credits.
Old Business
Bucharest update
Paul: ticket sales will be open soon. Paul has Ploneconf marketing materials for handing out at the Tokyo Symposium.
EU + US trademark renewal
Paul: We received an email today from Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP regarding the trademark watches for our two trademarks. We need to renew these watches, as it's our legal responsibility to show we actively protect our trademark. $436.10 each. Kim moved that we approve the expenditure. Alexander second. Passed unanimously. Paul will ask Steve to respond to Nutter that we would like to proceed.
EuroPython preparation update
Paul: talks will be announced this Sunday evening. Training, help desk, and poster session are already approved. Paul doth protest having to go to Bilbao, o his rubber arm! I'm sure this somehow calls for more limoncello.
plone.com/org progress
Kim on plone.com: at last meeting there was discussion of the word 'enterprise', of the portlet on the front page showing success stories, of the reasoning behind the layout of the front page, of the need to keep visitors on the plone.com site. The board discussed ways to streamline the submission of new success stories and of publicizing the submission form, which is at http://plone.com/success-story-submissions/success-story-submission-form only the first 4 fields are required.
Paul on plone.org: there is movement and regular meetings. Current need is in the area of design. Rob Porter doing much to improve responsiveness and accessibility. Jens Klein has done lots of work, e.g. integration with GitHub. The board discussed possible sources of design help.
Review ongoing
Paul: Tokyo Symposium. Working with Eric Steele on their talk.
Paul: Anniversary Sprint (Arnhem) has been postponed to July 13-17.
Plone Launch Team: the board will add the Plone Launch Team to our agenda until we release Plone 5. Kim to publish launch team meeting minutes. (Launch Team does what the Framework Team does not, ie. the non-coding tasks. Marketing, documentation, training, upgrade guides, messaging/communication, competitive landscape, timing). Paragon needs to be included in the Launch Team. Nathan Van Gheem and Asko Soukka have been posting helpful guides on Plone 5 theming (bundles, etc.). Would need to be combined from all the blog posts and community.plone.org.
Alexander: Max Jacob and others organizing theming best practices, and plan to sprint the week before Oktoberfest in Munich.
Our next meeting time will change to accommodate board members who will be in Tokyo (early morning Japan time, early evening US time). Alexander will email around to confirm everyone's availability.
Cris moved we adjourn. Paul seconded. Passed.