Minutes for August 6, 2015
Paul called us to order.
Attending: Alex Loechel, Carol Ganz, Chrissy Wainwright, Cris Ewing, Paul Roeland, Kim Nguyen
Steve McMahon (excused)
Kim took the minutes for today's meeting.
Approval of the minutes of July 6, 2015
Alexander moved, Chrissy seconded.
Unanimously approved.
+ check if action items were followed up
Google AdWords account: Paul will ask for help with it.
Community service award: no progress. Probably will not make progress on this before Bucharest. So much work has been done by so many people, a communal award might make sense!
Brand identity: consultant was away on holiday.
EuroPython: Paul reported on very positive reaction to our booth, help desk, and beautiful poster by Irene Capatti. There was interest in attracting more Plone people to future EuroPython conferences. It was an inexpensive presence for us and yet brought very good results. An old Plone community member, Julian Coyne, reconnected there and has made a new sponsorship request; he is interested in rejoining marketing team.
New sponsors: Unified (Julian Coyne) from Australia. A second one from Security Audit Systems. Kim will respond to both.
TinyMCE user advisory board membership (brought to the Board by Roel Bruggink): Nathan Van Gheem has agreed to be our representative.
Funding requests: IABC / Prescient Digital Media for $5,000. We will pass this request on to the Plone Intranet Consortium. Paul will talk with Guido Stevens.
Funding for GSOC student Prakhar Joshi: Need to determine approximate amount. Carol: are we setting a precedent? Will need to specify our decision criteria. Cris: possibility of setting up a chipin like the one used to get Franco Pellegrini to Ploneconf2011 / San Francisco? Carol: Set aside some budget for this. Cris: "economic diversity scholarship"? Paul: nice to have ways of getting students interested in our community, e.g. a Plone Winter of Code. Carol: we should restart discussion about this. Can Google help us fund this? Carol: ask Prakhar to provide us with a cost estimate. Paul will respond. Can we use Python Software Foundation's sponsorship funds? (Prakhar is actually in GSOC under the PSF aegis this year).
New Business
Annual Meeting prep
timeline for membership renewal - end of September. Paul will work with Steve.
timeline for election process. Election likely to take place at conference.
reporting preparation. Paul, Steve, Jen Myers will work on this.
coordinate with Bucharest conference organizers
Call for proposals for Ploneconf 2016. Please review it at https://plone.org/events/conferences/plone-conference-2016/2016-call-for-proposals before it is made public.
Updating of CMS Garden brochure
Alexander: Maik Derstappen. Deadline Aug. 28. Armin has last text. Kim will help for the English part. Sponsoring may be needed to print the brochure. It's a very worthwhile effort, but we need a budget proposal. Alexander: maybe $1000?
Munich Sprint
Alexander: Maik says the Plone Intranet Consortium is interested in including information about their project. CMS Garden conference in October 30 - November 1 in Germany.
There will be an Oktoberfest sprint in Munich September 16-20. Please see http://www.coactivate.org/projects/plone-5-theming-sprint-munich/project-home
PyCon 2016
Opportunity for PyCon 2016 keynote speech. Cris reported. Small executive session.
University sponsorship category
Kim: new category is up on the plone.org/donate page. Next step: awareness raising.
Plone trademark renewal power of attorney.
Paul: we need to approve this cost. Cris: move that we pay the continuing cost. Paul seconded. There is a line item for trademark costs. Passed unanimously.
Launch team (and Marketing)
Kim reported. We have Plone 5 design visuals thanks to Armin
Stroß-Radschinski. We can begin to use these to build P5 press releases, brochures, fact sheets, and web pages. We also have the Plone 5 t-shirt design created by Armin in 2014. We would love to have a new P5 t-shirt available for ordering on a web site by the time we launch. We also have our distilled "human-readable P5 release notes" highlighting the major new features and improvements in P5, which we will use as a base for our marketing materials.
Kim and Paul explained that given the size of the active launch team we will make marketing materials available for the Plone community and Plone companies to use in their marketing initiatives, but the launch team does not have the resources to do a full campaign on its own.
Old Business
Bucharest update
Paul: Target sponsorship amount is fully covered. Talk proposals coming in.
plone.com/org progress
Kim & Paul on plone.com: feedback on providers listing, move non-provider sponsors back onto plone.org (e.g. Rackspace).
Paul on plone.org: content has been transmogrified. Work done on layout.
Review ongoing
Items were already covered above.
Alexander moves to end the meeting. Carol seconds. Passed unanimously. Adjourned.