Minutes for August 23, 2012

Meeting of the Board of Directors

meeting starts at 22:02 CET



  • attendance:
    present: Geir, Carol, Sjoerd, Maurizio, Paul, Érico
    away with notice: Matt
  • Approval of the minutes of August 9, 2012
    Érico moves to approve, Maurizio seconds. Sjoerd abstains. Motion carries.


Old Business


  • Ploneconf update
    The preparations are being stepped up.
    Estimates for video production are being considered, on the food front the goal is to get as much Fairtrade as possible, there will be a selection of craft hoppy beverages.
    The cables for fibre-internet will start going underground this week, and the network will be in Wyn's trusted hands.
    The talk schedule will come online soon, and keynote candidates are contacted.
    As for the hotel scarcity, there is rumor of floating options...
    Sponsorship is at a nice level, although more are obviously welcome.
  • transfer of plone.com domain to the Foundation:
    The two persons doing this keep missing each other in almost comedic fashion, but it should now go through.

New Business


  • plone.com project
    At this moment, the Board breaks out in Executive Session for a lengthy discussion on this, and related topics. As is standard, no minutes will be published for Executive Sessions.


Geir moves to close the meeting, Sjoerd seconds, unanimous approval.

Meeting closes at 23:17 CET