Minutes for June 28, 2012
Meeting of the Board
- attendance:
present: Geir, Carol, Érico, Paul, Maurizio, Sjoerd
away with notice: Matt - Approval of the minutes of June 14:
Érico moves to approve, Geir seconds. Carol abstains, because she wasn't at the meeting for a significant part. The motion carries.
New Business
- Sponsorship request for Kiwi Pycon
The Board received a request for a Gold sponsorship. That would be too much, considering our budget. A Silver sponsorship would be considerably less. Still, we would have to determine the value in this, and who will actually represent Plone at the conference. As a general guideline, the Foundation doesn't do generic sponsorships, but rather a specific booth or other representation of Plone.
Maurizio will get in contact with the requester to get more information. - Europython presence
There will be a helpdesk and maybe a booth. About 30 people will represent Plone in various forms at the conference. In accordance with the recommendations from the Marketing team, there will be T-shirts (the cost was 330 euro). For the rest, we will use technology and means that were around anyway, so it looks we will stay under budget.
Maurizio and Érico will make sure to keep reports coming in for news items on plone.org - Plone Symposium South America & Caipirinha Sprint
These two events will happen back-to-back, but are separate. The Board has received two separate requests for funding: one from the Symposium organizers for a keynote speaker (Elizabeth Leddy) at the Symposium, and one from the Sprint organizers for a Sprint leader (Nejc Zupan) for the Caipirinha Sprint.
The Sprint is expected to be very large (150 people), and focus on making the entry for new developers easier. This is a very valid and valuable goal.
The Board goes along with Marketing to approve the request for Symposium funding. Geir moves to approve, Sjoerd seconds. Unanimous.
In a separate vote, Geir moves to approve the funding for the Sprint. Paul seconds. Unanimous.
As a follow-up, the Board will investigate and formalize the procedures for Sprint funding. That goes to the next meeting. - Scholarship money:
There was a donation last year specifically for scholarship funding towards the next Plone Conference. That was not properly earmarked, which will be corrected now. - Code of Conduct.
A Code of Conduct for the Plone community was discussed at length last year. A final proposal was made to the Board, but was never approved formally when the new Board took over.
The Board of Directors wants to make this Code of Conduct into a formal policy. Érico moves to make it so, Geir seconds. The motion is carried unanimously.
Old business
- Plone Conference 2012 update:
over 135 tickets have been sold already, the training spots have now filled up with 9 different trainings. Talks submission is open, there could and should be more talks submitted. This will be communicated with Marketing. - Paypal donations
The issues have been resolved. When a few more details come through, we will open up another avenue of donations, that can use a more global mix of currencies and payment methods. - Plone.com domain transfer.
Paul will check with our domain admins if this has gone through. - OSF reporting
Paul will check current status - Plone.com site content
The next Tune-Up might be dedicated to moving the project along at a faster pace. Still, we will need to have a project manager/champion. Ongoing. - Real Story Group subscription
ongoing. - Plone Accessibility mailing list
A new mailing list has been set up, and will be publicized as soon as possible. There's a few hassles with permissions on plone.org to publish stuff, but we'll work on getting those solved. A new 'team' area on plone.org will also follow, with details on how people can help or follow the work in this area.
Érico moves to adjourn the meeting, Sjoerd seconds. Unanimous.
Meeting closes at 23:28 CET