Minutes for June 14, 2012

Meeting of the Board of Directors

(meeting starts at 22:03 CET)



  • Attendance:
    everybody is present (Érico, Matt, Sjoerd, Maurizio, Geir, Paul, Carol)
    Carol can only join a few minutes late, Geir has to leave a few minutes early.
  • Approval of the minutes of May 31st, 2012:
    Érico moves to approve the minutes, Maurizio seconds. Unanimous approval


New Business


  • PayPal not getting payments.
    There were a few hoops to jump through regarding permissions on various sites, but the issue is solved now.
  • Transfer plone.com domain administratively
    The plone.com domain was bought last year, but still has to be transferred to the right Foundation accounts. Will be done now.
  • OSF Grant doc for Plone Conference 2009
    Balázs Reé and Jon Stahl have come up with the required documentation to finish the handling of the OSF Grant for the Budapest conference. It shall be sent to OSF now.
    Thanks, Balázs and Jon!
  • Community standards of conduct.
    We will look into the work done last year on a Code of Conduct and bring that effort along.
  • Review Treasurer's report
    Our treasurer, Jen, sent through her monthly report. Paul moves to approve it, Sjoerd seconds. Unanimous approval.


Old Business


  • Plone Conference Update
    Ticket sales are picking up, the Earlybird period is running out. There have been some issues with the payment provider, whose technology is not exactly flawless.
  • Domain disputes:
    the Catalan issue is at the legal people now, the .be issue is under scrutiny.
  • Contributor agreement process update
    All changes without legal implications should be made ASAP into the document, then the changes with legal implications checked with lawyer.
  • Europython
    Quite a few people have signed up for T-shirts. The budget needs to go through the usual channels. Decoration of the Helpdesk will be by pocketbeamer, easier than banner.
  • Plone.com progress
    An email has been sent out, and replies came in from people willing to help. Needs to be on the Board's agenda again until a solid working group has formed.

Érico moves to adjourn the meeting, Carol seconds.
Unanimous approval.