Minutes, Jan 25 2007

Meeting time

See Plone Calendar

Dial In and Passcode: see Call-in info page 

Roll Call

Present: Paul, Alex, Andy, Francesco, Geir, Nate
Absent: Sasha
Observing: none

Agenda Items

  1. Approve agenda.
  2. Approve previous meeting
  3. Officer reports.
  4. Committee reports (below).
  5. Review progress on old action items.
  6. New business.
  7. Set time for next meeting.

Officer Reports


Still trying to find out the dates on the 3.0 release, to see if Plone.net and any marketing activities need to be sync'd up.  Email to framework team bounced, email to 2 framework-teamers went unreplied.



No report


No report

Committee Reports

Membership Committee

No report.

Trademark Committee

No report.


No action since last meeting.

Old Action Items

  1. (Limi) I want to restart the evangelism mailing list / effort that kind of died off after the marketing split. Would like to talk about next steps on this, make sure we identify some key players and I also know Nate has been very interested in this.
    Approved by everyone.
  2. (Limi) I'd like to take some steps in making it more obvious what the Foundation does. The current web site presence is a mess, and it's not easy to find the relevant information. We can do this on the mailing list too, or brainstorm after the board meeting or on a separate call. Just want to bring it up on people's radar. :) Approved by everyone.
  3. (Geir) Investigate who makes the plone.org team and propose a policy the PF can vote on and make public so that expectations are set. (Report and suggested actions emailed to the board-list)
  4. (all) discuss the budget during the next two weeks, approval is during this meeting (see below)

New Items

  1. Vote on the budget as proposed by Paul and Andy on the board - Discussion: the budget gives the general direction, but every money allocation will have to be voted separately. Example: documentation project has to be defined, conferences approved, etc. Same for the plone.net pricing policy. Approved by everyone.
  2. Decrease the frequency of meetings and increase the use of email (Sasha) - Paul: use more the email and do not decrease frequency (Francesco, Geir agreed).
  3. (Paul) Vote to accept and distribute Geir's proposal for plone.org oversight - Approve by everyone.

Action Items

  1. (Paul) Communicate to the board the decision on point 2
  2. Alex: create the ML evangelism.
  3. Francesco, Paul volunteer to to actual work to make more obvious what the foundation does (i.e. communicate to member ml, update foundation home and contents, have an IRC open meeting, ...)

Next Meeting