Minutes, Nov 30 2006

Meeting time

Here's a Tiny URL for the meeting time.

Dial In: (319) 256-0100

Passcode: 835749#

Roll Call

Present: Geir, Nate, Sasha, Andy, Paul, Francesco
Absent: Alex

Agenda Items

  1. Approve agenda. Approved by acclaim.
  2. Approve previous minutes.  Approved by acclaim.
  3. Officer reports.
  4. Committee reports (below).
  5. Review progress on old action items.
  6. New business.
  7. Set time for next meeting.

Officer Reports


All work will be reported under other action items.


No report.


No report.


No report.

Committee Reports

Membership Committee

No report.

Trademark Committee

No report.


An M5 milestone was defined as "work needed to allow an email to the PF membership list, encouraging entries."  M6 was defined as a plone.org newsitem for the same.  We had a bug day, attended by kilobug and David at Pilot, Reinout, Roche, Alex, and Paul.  Everything for M5 was done except one item (upgrading to 2.5 to allow ownership to be assigned.)  All items in the review queue were cleared.

We now have 107 providers listed in 29 countries.  We also have 140 sites listed.

Contacted the organizers of past Plone conferences (Alan, Robert, Jon) and asked questions about sponsorship.  Very good discussion. Worked with Jon Stahl on his ideas for pricing structure and emailed the board.

Old Action Items

  1. Toby - Create the m. account (Sent the signature card)
  2. Paul/Francesco - remove the B-P ML, communicate about the change (Started, not finished)
  3. Paul - distribute to the board the Agreement for Zea Partners. (Done)
  4. Paul - report the work of the tm commettee. (Done)
  5. Everybody - make comments on the pricing vectors for Plone.net listing
  6. Sasha - have the foundation area on plone.org fixed (Done)
  7. Nate - edit the calling page, find a (free) conference service with local numbers, possibly. (Done)

New Business

  1. (Paul) Agreement for Zea Partners to become the effective European Seat for the Plone Foundation. Let's wait until we have the ongoing costs before voting.
  2. Discuss Trademark Committee report. Geir discussed the email he sent just before the meeting, that Plone Solutions supports the trademark committee recommendation and intends to show high moral standards. Vote on the trademark committee report: Nate +1, Andy +1, Francesco +1, Paul +1.
  3. Francesco: About Board communication (and transparency): make the work we make more public. Publication of minutes, "how to contact the board", etc. on http://plone.org/foundation (foundation home page)
  4. Final discussion on the structure of Plone.net price structure to allow progress on the actual pricing amounts.  Agreed to spend the time before the next meeting discussing the basic structure of the PF budget.
  5. (Nate) reimbursement of expenses for representing Plone at conferences (i.e. Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies).  Discussed the kind of conference, budget for conferences, etc.

Action Items

  1. (Paul) Get update from Xavier on the trademark contract to discuss ongoing costs.
  2. (Andy) Start the budget discussion and give proxy for voting on the result (if it arrives).

Next Meeting
