Minutes, Dec 16, 2004
Roll Call Attending: Christian, Robert, Alan, Jodok, Geoff, Limi. Paul and Mark as non-voting. Not-attending: Joel, Marcel, Norm. Minutes Alan moved to approve the previous minutes. Motion accepted and passed. Officer Reports No officers present. Committee Reports *Treasurer*. Couple of items to pay. Geoff, Alan, Paul. *Membership Committee*. Technical issues lost some time. Mark will start putting up names this week. *IP Committee*. Talked to Ron, can do something less severe than printing each line of code. Talked about whether employers have to sign. Alan took a vote on the Dec 6 note regarding "Final call" regarding getting employer agreements. Geoff says yes, Limi yes, Robert yes, Alan yes, Jodok yes, Mark/Joel yes, Christian yes. Alan discussed the various agreements that will be needed. Next step is to put two big issues in front of IP committee, then staff the docs. *Trademark Committee*. Limi is looking for volunteers. He will recuse himself for the conflict-of-interest cases. *Marketing Committee*. Nothing from marketing committee. We'll be at LinuxWorld in February. *Fundraising Committee*. No report. Agenda 1) We have a real postal address. 2) On Freenode, Alan wants Limi to get some numbers. 3) Regarding agenda item 3, get a marketing strategy to collect money. 4) Jodok will ping Justin and Kapil about Subversion timeouts. 5) Meetings will be at 07h00 California, 10h00 Eastern, 16h00 Europe on Thursday, Jan 6. Action Items 1) Mark will get names up this week on membership. 2) Alan will post proposal to IP committee for not doing printouts. 3) Paul will send mails on two issues to IP committee. 4) Limi will mail Paul the contact info for pinging LinuxWorld. 5) Limi will get some numbers for Freenode. 6) Jodok will ping Justin and Kapil about Subversion timeouts. 7) Paul will update the board page w/ correct date/time.