2004-11-19 Plone board minutes
Date Nov 19, 2004 Attendees Voting: Jodok, Joel, Norm, Marcel, Geoff Non-voting: Paul, Mark Agenda Joel moved that we approve the agenda. Geoff seconded. Vote to approve was unanimous. Minutes Joel moved that we approve the minutes. Geoff seconded. Vote to approve was unanimous. Officer Reports President: Joel has been working with Paul on conservancy. They scheduled some open door sessions. Attendance was not great because of membership list problems. Paul is on the clock for the next 6 weeks. Treasurer: Geoff has submitted expenses for J2 (for the Foundation's phone #), Mark will take care of it. Paul will submit an invoice for his services. Committee Reports Membership Committee: Mark has a team of 5 to evaluate memberships. They will be starting to approve members in the queue this week. Old Business 1) Paul will get conservancy FAQ online by middle of next week: Conservancy is moving along. Delay voting on conservancy for a few days to address new questions. 2) Alan will email Eben and Ron to get leads for legal council: No info. 3) Mark will start the membership list: Done 4) Board needs to staff the fundraising committee: Mark is on it. 5) Alan will get Alma to get a better logo for Ofer: Unknown status. 6) Conservancy status update: Discussed New Business Geoff moved that we set up a contributor recognition committee that will serve to formally recognize extraordinary contributions by members of the community at regular intervals. Recognition will take the form of public accolades and possibly small gifts. Joel seconded. Vote to approve was unanimous Next Meeting Next meeting on 12/3, same time. Future meetings are to be rescheduled. Action * Joel will conduct follow-up open door session on IRC about conservancy * Geoff will configure J2 voice mail forwarding to be sent to Geoff, Joel, Paul. * Geoff will put together a contributor recognition committee * Everyone: send an email to Joel indicating when good meeting times are