April Newsletter

Welcome to the Plone Newsletter where on or about the beginning of each month we send you the previous month’s news and upcoming events from around the world.

Issue #15

Scroll to the bottom any newsletter or visit the archives to update your email address or unsubscribe.

Upcoming Events

Plone Symposium Tokyo; June 13; Tokyo, Japan

Anniversary Sprint 2015; Jun 22–26; Arnhem, The Netherlands

Plone Conference 2015; Oct 12–18; Bucharest, Romania


PloneIntranet Website is Online!

The new website of the Intranet Consortium has gone online.

Plone Conference Bucharest 2015 Website Launched

We are excited to announce that the website for the Plone Conference 2015 to be held in Bucharest is now live...

PLOG and WPOD Event Summaries

1st WPOD (World Plone Office Day) Recap
Last Friday the first WPOD happened around the globe. Here is what was done on the Berlin gathering...

Plone Open Garden 2015 - The Right Chance for Discussing and Planning
During the 10th year of activity of Abstract (happy birthday!), the 9th edition of the PLOG has been a great success. The lower number of technical talks was a precise choice in order to be able to properly discuss what we want Plone to be in 5 years from now.

Rewieving PLOG 2015 in Sorrento, Italy

Again this year Plone Open Garden (PLOG) took place in Sorrento, Italy from April 7th-11th 2015. The Plone Foundation designated the conference a strategic summit, where developers from the community meet and plan the future of Plone.

PLOG Tuesday Morning

PLOG Tuesday Afternoon

PLOG Tuesday Evening

PLOG Wednesday Morning Talks

PLOG Wednesday Noon: Backend PLOG Thursday Morning Talks

PLOG New plone.org Work

PLOG Thursday RESTapi Current Status

PLOG Friday Morning Talks

PLOG Friday Evening Report-Out

Assorted Articles

PyCharm vs. Sublime Text

This blog post is about comparing two popular development tools and text editors, Sublime Text and PyCharm to each other. This blog post is written from the perspective of professional software development or if the programming is what you do for living.

KCRW Wins a Webby!

Kudos to KCRW for the vision, Hard Candy Shell for the design, the Plone content management system for providing a great platform...

The Diazo Snippets Chrome Extension

While building out your Diazo themes, have you ever needed to include a slideshow or transform a drop down menu so that it is compatible with the Bootstrap or Foundation grid systems?

Change Factory Knowledge Platform

After articulating this concept into an interaction design and visual design, Cosent built the site in Plone CMS. An initial crew of editors seeded the site with initial content. Recently, the platform was publicly unveiled and immediately attracted scores of active users.

Plock Rocks

Plock is a Plone installer for the pip-loving crowd.

Cefla Dental Group Renews Portfolio Sites at IDS 2015

As a technology partner of the Dental Division of Cefla, we were faced with the contemporary redesign of all portals in record time.

eGenix mxODBC Zope DA 2.2.1 GA

eGenix is pleased to announce mxODBC Zope DA™ version 2.2.1, our popular Plone/Zope ODBC Database Adapter...

Testing Pull Requests and Multi-Repository Changes

At Plone we use Continuous Integration (with Jenkins) to keep us aware of any change made on any of our +200 of packages that break the tests.

Replacing Faculty Staff Directory

As Plone moves away from Archetypes and embraces the Dexterity content type framework, the Plone community needs to decide what to do about old but important add-ons like FSD.

Python Posts

Inspecting Thread Dumps of Hung Python Processes and Test Runs

Sometimes, moderately complex Python applications with several threads tend to hang on exit.

Server Templating in Morepath 0.10

Morepath 0.10's biggest new feature is server-side templating support.

Pip for Buildout Folks

In this article I'm going to talk about how to manage software (Python) projects with buildout or pip.

Pillow 2015 Report

Pillow Fighter #2 Eric Soroos had some time constraints recently so I managed the Pillow 2.8 release. While preparing the release I also reviewed and updated the entire project, including...


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 Plone in the Wild