Plone Tune-Up Days Recap 2 (Nov 2023, Dec 2023, Jan 2024)
Plone Tune-Up Days are running every third Friday of the month and here is the next short summary of the progress so far.

Plone Tune-Up Days Recap 2 (Nov 2023, Dec 2023, Jan 2024)

Plone Tune-Up Days are running every third Friday of the month, and here is a next short summary of the progress so far.

Plone Tune-Up is about working on Plone issues, together, online. Programming, documentation, marketing, infrastructure, learning Plone, content creation, discussions - all can be done during the day, whenever it suits you in your specific time zone. Below is a summary of some of the things that were done and a more complete list is available also.

Plone Tune-Up November 2023

The fourth Tune-Up on 17 November 2023 hosted a record number of 13 participants who worked on different topics. There was lots of great interaction on Discord, and work was done on:

Plone Tune-Up December 2023

The 15 December 2023 edition had 8 participants in this last sprint before the festive season. This resulted in:

  • Wrote and edited various news items, events and content. incl News item Reflecting on Plone in 2023, drafted news item for the Board and content on Steering Circle.
  • Added flickr icon and link
  • Started converting collective.volto.formsupport to plone/meta (
  • Work completed on trimming the conference videos.
  • Ongoing discussion about possible newsletter via distribution list

Plone Tune-Up January 2024

The 19 January 2024 event had 10 participants throughout the day - a great start to 2024.

The work resulted in:

  • Many issues closed!
  • Improved a few pages and prepared folders for 2024 items
  • Committed a few fixes
  • A brief demo of Quaive
  • Worked on proposed instructions on how to contribute code to
  • scraped the Discord channel to record all work done on this day, in the doc
  • and much more

Join the next Tune Up on Friday 16 February 2024!