Plone 6 Beta 3 Released!

Plone 6 Beta 3 was released on Tuesday October 4, 2022

Good news: the third beta release of Plone 6 has arrived! The release manager for this version is Maurits van Rees (

Thank you to everyone involved!

Read more about the upcoming Plone 6 and Plone 6 FAQ.

Useful links


Major changes since 6.0.0b2:

  • Products.PlonePAS: Increase the minimum password length to 8 characters.

  • pip: We have actually downgraded pip because version 22.2 and higher have an incompatibility with Buildout. Buildout works, but it cannot read the information about which Python versions are required for a package. If you do not use Buildout, feel free to use the latest pip version.

  • plone.restapi:

    • Add @userschema endpoint for getting the user schema.

    • Add @transactions endpoint to fetch transactions that have been made through the Plone website.

    • Added @aliases endpoint with GET/POST/DELETE.

    • Improve performance of serializing image scales.

  • TinyMCE rich text editor updates in various packages:

    • Disable advlist plugin by default, it produces unclean inline styles.

    • Add inserttable to toolbar.

    • Add and improve table styles.

    • Add UI styles in non-inline mode.

    • Actually load theme-specified styles CSS in TinyMCE.

  • plone.staticresources:

    • Use successor repository of svg-country-flags.

    • Upgrade to Bootstrap 5.2.2.

    • Upgrade to Mockup 5.0.0-alpha.24.

  • plonetheme.barceloneta:

    • Bootstrap 5.2.2
  • Use a variable to allow customization of the image scale used for social tags

Volto frontend

The default frontend for Plone 6 is Volto. Latest release is 16.0.0-alpha.40


See the changelog



Python compatibility

This release supports Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.


For installation instructions, see the documentation.
This documentation is under development, but this should get you up and running. No worries.

Help wanted

We should have a release candidate shortly after the conference. Some are even hoping that this could be done during the conference live on the podium. At any rate, Plone 6 final needs you, the community! Wondering how you can help?

Plone 6

Plone 6 editing experience combines the robust usability of Plone with a blazingly fast JavaScript frontend

Try Plone 6 Beta!

For installation instructions, see the documentation.

See Plone 6 in action at

Read more at the community forum: