Plone News Roundup, February 2018
A review of what's been happening in the Ploniverse
Welcome to 2018! Plone has continued its flurry of activity since our wonderful conference in Barcelona last October...
- Plonistas have already started making travel plans and booking flights to Plone Conference 2018 in Tokyo
- Pastanaga UI, a future vision for Plone's front end, was significantly advanced in Bonn in mid-November at the Pastanaga Sprint
- We had another impressively successful Alpine City Sprint 2018 in Innsbruck, Austria, where much progress was made toward porting Plone to Python 3, among other enhancements.
- New sprints have been announced, including the Beethoven 2018 sprint in Bonn, Germany, to advance the Headless CMS initiative, and a forthcoming one to be held in Barcelona
- The inaugural Plone Tagung 2018 in Berlin, Germany, the first of a yearly event bringing together the community of German speaking Plone users, developer and providers.
- Ongoing, lively discussion of the Plone roadmap
- The first 2018 meeting of the Plone Foundation Membership Committee
- Ongoing Framework Team meetings (minutes of the first one of 2018)
- New members were added to the Security Team, which also issued a hotfix in late November 2017
- Our esteemed Release Manager called the first team leader meeting for 2018 to bring everyone up to date and plan for the release of Plone 5.1
- The 2017-2018 Foundation Board continues its monthly meetings
- More success stories released on
- We have a new sponsorship database hosted (surprise!) on, using Dexterity content types and custom workflow, to help track and grow our sponsorships and provider listings (make sure you're listed there!)
- A newly-energized Admin and Infrastructure Team has been busy consolidating Foundation servers and ensuring the smooth functioning of,,,,
- Our Documentation Team has redeployed onto an updated stack, with a fresh updated theme
- Our Google Summer of Code organizer, Cris Ewing, has returned with renewed vigour to drum up a new crop of project ideas and volunteer mentors for 2018; while we await the results of Google's project selection process, we continue to welcome interested students in our forum
- We are pleased to be able to offer once again a Windows installer on our download page, work done by a university computer science student (now since graduated and working full time with Plone!)
Phew! If we missed something, please let us know!