January Newsletter

Welcome to the Plone Newsletter where on or about the beginning of each month we send you the previous month’s news and upcoming events from around the world.

Issue #12

New this issue: Web Content, for articles about web site content and related topics like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Analytics, online commerce, etc.

Scroll to the bottom any newsletter or visit the archives to update your email address or unsubscribe.

Upcoming Events

Training: Mastering Plone 5 Development; Mar 2–6; Munich, Germany  New!

Plone Open Garden (PLOG) 2015; Apr 7–11; Sorrento, Italy

PyCon US 2015; Apr 10–12; Montréal, QC

Anniversary Sprint 2015; Jun 22–26; Arnhem, The Netherlands

Plone Conference 2015; Oct 12–18; Bucharest, Romania


Plone Open Garden Features Strategic Summit

Plone Open Garden will be facilitating discussions on what Plone will offer in the future. Come be a part of this exciting event.

Plone Foundation Welcomes Three New Members

Guido Stevens, Kees Hink, and Sally Kleinfeldt are the Foundation's newest members.

Plone Ambassadors for 2014-2015

The Plone Foundation Board is pleased to have reappointed for 2014-2015 the following distinguished Plone Ambassadors, who represent Plone in their region or on behalf of their particular interest.

Get Help and Join the Community

How To

How to Create a Badge System in Plone

With thousands of volunteers taking and teaching courses, climbing peaks, and donating time and money for environmental advocacy and youth programs, The Mountaineers needed a way to recognize their members’ contributions and skill levels. To let them do this, we created a badge system for their Plone website...

How to Allow Users to Create Site Content Using PloneFormGen

Let's pretend you've got a website featuring press releases about science and technology. You'd like to let your visitors submit their own press releases without having a site login. You're in luck! In this article, we'll cover two ways to achieve this task using PloneFormGen.

Plone and Docker

In this post, I will try to explain how we put a new Plone site into production in our organization (IMIO, Belgium). For this process, we used some softwares as Puppet, Jenkins, but the process we use should be agnostic from these softwares.

Building Python Command Line Tools, Part 1: ArgParse

Over the past few months here at Six Feet Up I have noticed an increasing need to demonstrate the usefulness and efficiency of Python command line tools.

How to Set Up A Two Factor Authentication

Between the combination of security leaks by the sites you visit and brute-force attacks, keeping the bad guys out of accounts has become increasingly difficult. One way to limit your exposure to the bad guys is to use Two Factor Authentication (TFA) on your accounts.

Boot: Getting Started With Clojure In < 10 Minutes

With the power of boot, it’s possible to go from “never used java before” to budding Clojure-ist cranking out jars like a pickle factory in record time. This post walks you through the process, and provides some post-‘hello world’ examples, with pointers to more information.

Kotti - Avoid Types Addable in Content Root

With Kotti CMS you don't have to fight against the framework: after one or two days you'll love it and you will be productive.

How to Install Kotti CMS on Windows

Yes, as expected, you can install Kotti CMS also on Windows if you have this constraint!

Updated Instructions to Fix Macbook Pro with Black Screen

Last week I wrote about my macbook pro and its screen that suddenly stayed black after waking it from sleep. Including instructions on how to fix it. I now have improved instructions...

Changing Ownership of an Object in Plone

To change ownership of a single object, you can just append “/ownership_form” to the end of the URL and choose the ID of the new owner.

Learning Resources

eGenix Talks & Videos: Advanced Database Programming

We have published the talk "Advanced Database Programming", discussing topics relevant for designing complex database systems in Python.

Python Meeting Düsseldorf - 2015-01-20

The following text is in German, since we're announcing a regional user group meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Sprint Reports & Conference Summaries

Python Meeting Düsseldorf - New Videos Online

We have finished producing 34 new videos of the Python Meeting Düsseldorf for the PyDDF YouTube channel.

Sprint Report: Merging Mockup and Patternslib

This is a report on what I did at the Plone Alpine City Sprint organized by Jens Klein and Christina Baumgartner in Innsbruck between 21 and 26 January 2015.

Web Content

Local SEO is Becoming Increasingly Important for Businesses

We explain what Local SEO is and how it can be implemented in your company.

Magento Extensions

For setting up an online store, there are many offers on the market, such as Gambio, xt-commerce or Magento.

4 Critical Tools for Web Analytics & SEO

Google Analytics is the place to start

Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing and how can I use this for my business?

Assorted Articles

The City of Modena Inaugurates 2015 With The New Mo-Net

Agile methodology and collaboration with the customer applied to the redesign of the site of the city of Modena. Best practices for good results in fast times.

Another Plone Site on AWS OpsWorks

Congratulations to YES! Magazine on the launch of their redesigned website! This award winning, ad-free, non-profit online (and print) magazine for progressive thinkers runs on Plone, our favorite CMS.

"How quickly can the project start?”

Congratulations! Your project just got signed! Budget, scope of work, and development time-frame have been approved. Now only one question remains, how soon will it take for you to see progress?



Plone.api and Documentation: The Guidelines of Good Plonista

Not to get lost in the sea of possibilities implementative and always choose the right way, just follow the guidelines that the community (finally) gives us.

Plone Ambassador に任命されました


XML Director Project Website Launched

I am pleased to announce that the XML Director project has now its own polished website with updated information about the project, scope of the project and development information.

The Case Against Docker

Trying to use Docker for production for several week finally ended in the decision to let Docker for the moment.

Why Docker is Broken at the Moment

Docker is broken right now in many ways.


New Year's Python Meme 2015

The beginning of the year is the time for the "Python meme". This is the second time I am partecipating to this "game". Let's enjoy the #2015pythonmeme!

Actually Doing Work - Proof By Blogging

I’m a programmer. Which means it is not always clear when I’m working. What I mean is that, if I’m sitting behind my screen, I might be reading an article about postgres performance improvements, but I might also be reading the news.

New emacs Setup

I edit all my code with emacs. Since 1996 or so. And all blog entries. And all...

New Django Website

After a series of Django gigs in 2014, I had the urge to redevelop our company website in Django; I am very happy with the results. This overview is roughly in order of development from start to finish. And since I am a "packaging guy", I will take this opportunity to comment on miscellaneous packaging issues too.