Video-Report on the Belgium Plone Meeting Dec 2005 (2nd part) now available
See what was going on in Brussels on Dec 7th 2005. Featuring talks and interviews with Xavier Heymans, Paul Everitt and Godefroid Chapelle.
The second part is finally available at "": It will feature a talk about the Zope Europe Association by Xavier Heymans, an interview by Paul Everitt about the Goldegg Stack Project and an interview with Godefroid Chapelle about the Bern Ajax Sprint. In order to watch this you will need Quicktime 7 which will ship with "iTunes": If you want to subscribe to this video blog in order to get new entries directly you have different ways to do that: 1. **Use iTunes** Go to the Musicstore, search for "mrtopf" and you should find my podcast there. Simply subscribe to it and there you are. You can also simply click "here":itms:// if you have iTunes installed. 2. **Use Fireant** Fireant is a cool tool for watching videos from the net. The good thing here is also, that it still has the link to the original blog entry so that you can comment. Get it at and subscribe to my "RSS feed": 3. **Use Mefeedia** "Mefeedia": is an online video aggregator and you can subscribe to my stream there by simply clicking "here":