Laptop fundraiser

Help support a Plone developer that got his laptop stolen!

On his way to the Archipelago Sprint in Norway, David Convent got his Mac laptop and camera stolen on the train in Belgium. David is a valuable contributor to a lot of Plone products and to the core Plone development itself. Some of David's contributions are: - "DIY Plone Style":/products/diyplonestyle (central to the new skinning approach in Plone 2.1 and a requirement for using the "new tutorial on Plone skinning":/documentation/tutorial/creating-plone-themes) - "Resource Registries":/products/resourceregistries (core Plone component that keeps track of CSS and Javascript) - "Bibliography":/products/cmfbibliographyat (product to handle bibliographies, in use in a lot of universities and academic institutions around the world - Contextual Help (upcoming framework for handling contextual help in Plone 3.0) We are trying to raise an amount that equals a new MacBook for David ($1500, roughly - David lives in Belgium, it's a bit more expensive than in the US), but have set the level where we consider the fundraiser a success at half this cost. We encourage you to contribute even if we reach this halfway target, though. David works for the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, and they don't have the funds to help him out on this, so any money towards a new laptop would come from his own pocket. We set the base contribution level at $50, but feel free to pledge more if David's work has been helpful to you. Participants at the Archipelago sprint in Norway are especially encouraged to pledge $50 each as a thank-you for the good work David did on the upcoming Contextual Help framework for Plone 3.0. David is one of the nicest guys I know, and definitely deserves our support and the Plone community's thank-you for the work he has done so far — and the work he has committed to in the upcoming releases of Plone. How to contribute We are raising the money via, the same service we used to raise money for a Mac OS X native port of poEdit (a tool for translations), which was a very successful fundraiser that resulted in the current alpha version of poEdit being available for the Mac. Help David towards a replacement laptop here (major credit cards and PayPal accepted):

No money will be deducted from your account unless we reach at least half the amount needed for the laptop. For earlier experiences with this system, see the "fundraiser we did for poEdit":/news/plone-poedit, another open source project.

– Alexander Limi, Plone co-founder

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