Plone 1.0.6 released
Plone 1.0.6 has been released. This release features improved email security following in the wake of Plone 2.0.2. This upgrade has minor changes and is recommended.
After Plone 2.0.2 a review of some of the other places that email could be sent from was undertaken. This included a look at CMF. A new release of the CMF, version 1.4.4 was made as a result. For those users who cannot upgrade to Plone 2, this release has been made available. This is a recommended upgrade for all users. Installers have not be made available, instead you'll have to install from source. There is a tarball available here: "Plone 1.0.6": Take the contents of the tarball and copy them into the 'Products' directory of your Plone instance and then restart.