"Building Websites with Plone" book available
"Building Websites with Plone", a new Plone book, has been published and is now available.
"Building Websites with Plone", a new Plone book written by J. Cameron Cooper, has just been published by Packt Publishing. The book is "available directly from the publisher":http://www.packtpub.com/book/plone and will be available from online booksellers soon. "Building Websites with Plone" is an in-depth and comprehensive guide to Plone. Requiring only a working knowledge of Python and Zope, this book will help you gain a deep understanding of Plone. The book covers all aspects of understanding, implementing, and extending Plone: * Installing, running and managing Plone * The design and architecture of Plone * Managing users and permissions * Managing and publishing content * Using, extending, and writing Plone tools * Customizing the layout of Plone websites * Writing Plone products * Using relational databases with Plone * Integrating Plone websites with other websites and systems * Optimizing, securing, and improving the performance of Plone websites * Plone internationalization features