Bonn Beethoven Sprint 2017
An official strategic sprint to work on plone.restapi and the Headless CMS project in Bonn, Germany.
The Beethoven Sprint is an invitational sprint taking place March 3-5 at the kitconcept office in Bonn, Germany. The focus of the sprint is to work on plone.restapi, plone.server and the headless CMS. Beethoven Sprint has been designated a “strategic” sprint by the Plone Foundation.
14 Plone developers from eight different countries will gather in Bonn to advance the vision of Plone's future as a headless CMS. We plan to create a technical roadmap and project plan to prepare the discussion that will take place in Sorrento at the Plone Open Garden. In addition we plan to work on:
- The future of plone.restapi and plone.server (long term planning, how to keep the APIs tested and in sync)
- API design decisions
- Implement new features for plone.restapi, plone.server and plone.client
- Angular2 tutorials/SDKs/libraries
- React tutorials/SDKs/libraries
- Documentation, tutorials, etc.
For more details, visit the official sprint website.