Conference Session

Delivering egg-based applications with zc.buildout, using a distributed model

By: Tarek Ziadé

About Tarek Ziadé

I have been working lately on making compatible with distutils register/upload commands, so it acts like PyPI. I have also created a set of tool to make it easy to work with several pypi-compatible servers. We are using these tools to release and deploy customer apps, and I would like to provide a useful tutorial for the plone community members to work the same way.

About the session

The participants will learn:

  • how to set up a private PyPI server to manage their customer packages.
  • how to use distutils to drive their add-on products releases located at, pypi or on a private collection.
  • how to release, deploy and uprgrade their buildouts in production


  • the big picture
  • the tools
  • collective.dist
  • collective.releaser
  • PloneSoftwareCenter
  • setting up the environment
  • building a private PyPI
  • configuring .pypirc
  • configuring buildout
  • windows developers, we love you too
  • setting up the project layout
  • building eggs
  • releasing eggs

    • to PyPI
    • to
    • to the private PyPI
  • releasing the buildout
  • upgrading the buildout

This is a Tutorial (90 min)