Plone Conference Update
Final announcement of Plone conference for Early Bird prices.
The Plone Conference now has a full list of speakers and tutorials. Over three days in New Orleans almost every aspect of using and developing Plone will be covered by the creators of Plone, Archetypes and Page Templates. Some of the highlights: **Evan Simpson** will be answering questions about Page Templates. **Alexander Limi** will be giving a full tutorial on customising Plone **Ben Saller** will be detailing how to use Archetypes with Plone **Joel Burton** and **Geoff Davis** will be talking about "RDBMS": integration strategies. And don't miss Wednesday nights Q & A panel on "Making money with Plone" For a full list of talks see: "Conference Talks": For a full list of tutorials see: "Conference Tutotials": Sign up today: "Registration":