Plone Foundation Board Minutes May 16, 2024

Meeting started at 20:00 UTC.


Present: Martin Peeters, Brian Davis, Paul Roeland, Mikel Larreategi, Eric Brehault. Kim Paulissen and Guido Stevens are excused.


Approval of the minutes of May 2th

Paul moves to approve the minutes, Brian seconds the motion. All in favor but Mikel who abstains. The minutes are approved.

Check if action items were followed up

Follow up on Framework team: no update

Alternative sources of funding for the Plone documentation effort: Brian discussed with Steve, and he brought it up in the marketing team. The marketing team will discuss it further next week.

New Business

Hosting on Read the Docs

Hosting our docs on Read the Docs requires to become a Gold member. The cost is 60 USD a year.

Paul moves to approve the expense, Martin seconds the motion. All in favor, the motion is approved.

Continued Business

Google Summer of Code 2024

  • The 3 projects are started.
  • Martin will write an invitation letter for each of the students so they can apply for a brazilian visa and come to the conference.
  • Nilesh is candidating to represent the Plone community at the GSoC mentor summit. The board fully supports this initiative.

Plone Conference 2024

  • The call for papers form must be reviewed by the board, it will be open to public next week
  • Ticket sales to be opened next week
  • The venue location should be confirmed in June (it is a free location)

Sponsorship program

Érico reports he has a draft document to be finished in the 2 coming weeks defining the new sponsorship levels. The objective is to get more names in the sponsors list. The biggest concern is how to improve the sponsorship program without making it too complex.

Membership Committee renewal

Paul set up a meeting on the 24th to move forward with the renewal of the membership committee.

Zope Foundation Funds: no news

Paul moves to adjourn the meeting, Eric seconds the motion. All in favor, the meeting is adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at 20:48 UTC.