Plone Foundation Board Minutes June 13, 2024

Meeting started at 20:03 UTC.


Present: Martin Peeters, Brian Davis, Mikel Larreategi, Guido Stevens. Paul Roeland will join late.

Excused: Eric Brehault and Kim Paulissen.


Approval of the minutes of May 30th

Mikel motions to approve, Guido seconds, all in favor.

Check if action items were followed up

  • Follow up on Framework team - Mikel Larreategi: same.
  • Contact People about Zope Foundation Funds - Martin Peeters: no news. Martin asked for someone to take the lead. Mikel to contact Eric Steele .
  • Martin contact Erico to join board meeting, but not did not have time to finalize proposal. Will ask him for next meeting, Guido won’t be there.

Incoming correspondence

  • Dante re Axolote sprint reimbursement - Martin to contact Beth.  One payment from Foundation for community event, one payment from Marketing budget.
  • Mikel to discuss email about PloneConf in Continued Business.

New Business

  • Board priorities... not enough people here. Will delay until next board meeting.
  • Brian got ahold of Erico to cancel the Hootsuite subscription before annual renewal. Cost would have more than doubled this year to USD $1,188 from USD $588 previous years.
  • Brian mentioned that it was discussed during Steering Circle that Plone Conference needs a training herder to call for and organize trainers. Mikel said he could take this on.
  • Brian trying to figure out next steps for Steve Piercy PPGF. Marketing team said if Steve has the motivation to set it up, we don't have any objections. Could help by promoting 'Days of Giving'. Reached out to Paul about turning the PP keys over to Steve, or do we have other ideas? Still discussing.

Continued Business

  • GSoC visas re: Eric's Slack post - Need flight arrangements, no ticket yet, just need booking.  Discussed can you do booking vs buying?  Might need a letter saying “We will fund, because he/she is speaker, so arrangements are paid for by Foundation” Probably needs signature from organizer, Martin to reply to Eric see if that’s enough.  If not, can buy refundable ticket as Paul suggested.
  • Ploneconf update from Mikel - Erico said not much updates than a month ago, because organizers were busy with gov thing.  Venue is free, but doesn’t fulfil requirements.  Say ok for now but try to find another venue.  Hope to have more info before next meetingg in July.  No updates on conference sponsorships, no new sponsors.  Waiting feedback on form before announcing the 'call for papers'.
  • Paul no news membership committee
  • Martin no news Zope Foundation funds

Review Ongoing

  • None


  • Mikel moves to adjourn. Guido seconds. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 20:33pm UTC.