Plone Foundation Board Minutes July 11, 2024

Meeting started at 20:03 UTC



Present: Martin Peeters, Brian Davis, Mikel Larreategi, and Paul Roeland
Excused: Kim Paulissen, Eric Brehault, Guido Stevens

Approval of the minutes of June 27th

Paul moves to approve the minutes, Brian seconds. All in favor. The minutes are approved.

Check if action items were followed up

  • Follow up on Framework team - See below.
  • Contact People about Zope Foundation Funds - No news
  • Contact Erico to join our next Board Meeting - Martin contacted Erico. New proposal not ready yet, but next board meeting he will attend.

Incoming Correspondence

  • None

New Business

  • None

Continued Business

  • Review Board Priorities - See Quaive Document
  • Follow up on Framework team - Mikel, Paul, and Brian were at Steering Circle. Sparsely attended this month. But consensus was process reboot was needed.
    • Steering Circle discussion: Brian shared the Board Discussion about how Steering Circle isn’t a sufficient replacement for PLIP Reviews and coordination between Volto/ClassicUI teams. Talked about gathering key contributors at PloneConf to have a open space/working group/birds of feather/panel discussion. Need to get key people together in advance of PloneConf to discuss/organize. Timo agrees, would like to see Framework Team rules kept in place, and PLIP process improved so we can appear professional to the outside world. Maik agrees, important that we document team flows and rules, and keep Volto/ClassicUI team in sync.
    • Board follow-up: Mikel suggests call for Framework Team reboot (news item, social media post, Discord announcment, whatever). There was also talk about this at Ferrara sprint (Timo, Maik wanting to bring together Classic and Volto teams so they were more in sync). Main takeaway from Timo was reimplementing the Framework Team rules. Need to know what the rules/procedures are and document them. Paul says yes but also need new rules, such as if PLIP doesn’t gain traction after year, should be cancelled. It's essentially a wishlist not a PLIP. Discussed problem of too many PLIPs without integrator to implement them.
  • GSCOC - Paul - Midterm review has gone well. Need to see who goes to Mentor Summit. Good person would be Nilesh but visa rules not happening, so need alternative candidate. Need to coordinate with Eric Brehault, and change dedicated person before end of October. For example, visa for Indian citizens was 9 months wait, which is becoming a serious issue. Paul says it is good for us to go to the Mentor Summit to promote future participation, but need to coordinate.
  • Ploneconf - Mikel
    • Opening call for papers and promoting this week. Asking for PSF sponsorship. PloneConf will update site with keynotes/talks/trainings as soon as they receive them, because PSF specifically requires this information.
    • PloneConf was contacted by Varnish software requesting sponsorship/booth, but haven't finalized yet. PloneConf will be starting again looking for sponsorship with Plone companies.
    • Accomodations: Good progress with travel agency to get discount for hotel rooms, and flight from Portugal to Brazil. Looking to secure some tickets to get people from Europe to Brazil. Will book trainers housing. Trainers offered double rooms as usual. There will be more trainings this year, not just Plone, but Python as well. So booking 15 double rooms and trying to get discounts for attendees. Indian-offered training to get housing paid, as travel and plane tickets are expensive.
    • Venue: Confirmed agreement with local college, and agreement for venue and video recordings, training rooms, in exchange presentation + 60 tickets for students. Once this is finalized, then they will announce venue.
    • Plone recovered Google Ads account. PloneConf wants to run ad campaign for conference. Needed 990 form for IRS and US tax stuff, address, etc. Was a mess but recovered.
    • Mikel to contact last year's trainers to see if interested, or if there are any new ideas.
  • Membership committee renewal - No news, trying to get them together, but holiday time.
  • Zope funds - No news

Review Ongoing

  • Martin received email from Steve Piercy about Timezone issue. Paul to contact Steve, connected to big PLIP. Example: need Python 3.8 removed, but Plone 6.1 already ditches. Will need changes in volto, classic, and backend. Coordinating well, put in motion, good idea in general. Will need to ditch homegrown timezone solutions, but better to move where Python community is moving to. Depends on Python 3.9 and upwards, but we will lose Plone proprietary code. Right way forward, but tricky.
  • Brian shared link for Plone newsletter signup - - First edition likely to go out by July Plone Tune-Up Day.


Paul motions to adjourn. Mikel seconds. All in favor. Adjourned 20:44 UTC.