Plone Foundation Board Minutes November 16, 2023
Martin Peeters, Brian Davis, Mikel Larreategi, Kim Paulissen, Paul Roeland, Éric Bréhault
Excused: Guido Stevens
Approval of the minutes of November 2th
Review of the minutes of November 2th. Mikel moved to approve the minutes, Paul seconded, all in favor.
Check if action items were followed up
Give access to 1password to all Plone Board members: to be done.
Write a news item about Plone Ambassadors: Brian Davis took care of it.
Send instructions to treasurer for reimbursement of GSOC students: Martin Peeters took care of it.
Work on budget : postponed to next meeting
Incoming correspondence
2023-11-03 - PYPI, T.Kim Nguyen, Maurits van Rees - Your PyPI account will soon require 2FA: see New business
2023-11-09 - Rahil Hastu - Gratitude for Plone's Support and Reimbursement for Conference Travel: Rahil wrote a summary of his attentance to the All Things Open and AISES conference, Martin forwarded it to the Treasurer.
New Business
Pypi 2FA: T.Kim and Maurits are working on it. The AI team will be involved.
Sadly, Chrissy Wainwright's husband passed away. The Plone Foundation sent its condolences to Chrissy, her son Eli and her family, and delivered flowers for the funeral.
Continued Business
Sponsorship program: T.Kim Nguyen and Erico Andrei did a presentation of their vision about sponsorship.
Priorities for 2024: postponed to next meeting.
Budget for 2024: Paul and Martin will work on it next week.
Membership Committee renewal: nothing new for now.
Paul Roeland and Martin Peeters will join the GSoC meetup at FOSDEM
Kim moved to adjourn, Martin seconded, all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 22:06 CET.