Plone Foundation Board Minutes March 30, 2023
Meeting called to order at 19:01 UTC
Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Martin Peeters, Paul Roland
Excused: Kim Paulissen
Minutes from meeting of 16 March 2023
The minutes were reviewed and corrected. Kim Nguyen moved to accept the minutes as revised, and Jens Klein seconded.
Passed unanimously
Action Items
Erico email about the budget - See Continuing Business
Knowledge-base follow-up - See Continuing Business
Sponsors management - See Continuing Business
Incoming correspondence
T. Kim Nguyen Agenda Item - see New Business
Jens W. Klein Todo: Update Board Team on - see New Business
Fred van Dijk Restricting Github Access to 'new' Developers this afternoon - see New Business
William Fennie Zope Foundation funds transfer update - see Continuing Business
Jakob Kahl New Sprint Funding Request (Beethoven Sprint) - see New Business
Victor Fernandez Pledge to promote Beethoven Sprint as strategic - see New Business
Open Source Initiative (OSI) elections - see Continuing Business
Ched Dayot Thank you for Sponsoring Python Web Conf 2023
Fred van Dijk #FOSSBack 2023: Wrapping up the fifth edition!
New team announced - classic UI team
New Business
Github Access for New Contributors
[ Executive Session ]
GSOC experience shows us that Github permissions need to be updated. New contributors have certain permissions in a context of multiple levels of access.
Thank you Paul, Fred, Jens, Victor, Eric Steele, Steve Piercy for your work on this.
Release manager stipend
The board will set a maximum stipend on a yearly basis; release managers will collectively decide about usage.
Funding request for Beethoven Sprint
The Volto team has declared the sprint to be 'strategic'. There are 20 participants already and could grow to 30. Erico Andrei declared an interest in this event and recused himself from the discussion.
Martin Peeters moved that a budget of US$8,000 be allocated for use to support this sprint. Kim Nguyen seconded.
Unanimous approval with Erico Andrei abstaining.
[ Executive Session ]
Board members will be in touch with a company that is holding domain name so that it can be transferred to Plone Foundation management.
Continuing Business
Erico message about budget - The budget message is still being developed - to be reported on next meeting
Open Source Initiative (OSI) Elections - Erico cast the Plone Foundation vote. Anne Marie Scott was the winner. See OSI results.
Knowledge-base solution for the Foundation and Plone teams
[ Executive Session ]
A Quaive test platform will be developed for possible knowledge-base hosting.
Google Summer of Code (GSoC)
Google decides on winners but they must have a mentor - so only projects of interest will be awarded. Recommendation for next year : Set up a list of 'Do's and Dont's' for candidates to understand what makes an attractive fit. Assumptions on the part of some in this year's cadre have produced unpleasantness in the community.
Plone Conference 2023 - The website launched March 31 and the conference team is making good progress preparing for the event. There will be no live stream for the 2023 conference.
Sponsorship - No report yet - comes back next meeting
Contributor Agreement Digitization - Paul will report on this at the next meeting.
Zope Foundation funds - the board will continue to work for a solution to this very knotty problem.
Review Ongoing
Plone/meta repository unification - checks package dependencies internally and adds to as declared; can create a "tree" for reference.
Marketing - Working on World Plone Day; testing environment is set up.
William Fennie moved and Jens Klein seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 20:19 UTC