Plone Foundation Board Minutes March 2, 2023

Meeting called to order at 20:04 UTC


Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Paul Roeland

Excused: Martin Peeters


Minutes from meeting of 16 February 2023

The minutes were reviewed and edited. Kim Paulissen moved to accept the minutes as revised, and Kim Nguyen seconded.

Passed unanimously

Action Items

Erico email about the budget - for next meeting

AI team fix mail sending from - on to-do list

Fulvio Casali needs to get access to the sponsors database - ongoing

Zope Foundation funds sub-group meeting - to be scheduled

Incoming correspondence

Python Web Conference - no response necessary

Google Summer of Code - see new business

New Business

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) - Our proposal has been accepted and we are working to get the ideas page up

Process : We suggest projects and candidates make proposals against them; GSoC leadership decides if they match and if there are mentors to provide guidance.

Getting the word out about the need for mentors is crucial; Paul will connect with marketing to get a News item published.

The flood gates will open for proposals at the end of March; project pages need to be completed by then.

Many, many thanks to Paul Roeland and Eric Bréhault for managing the effort.

Continuing Business

Plone Conference 2023

On track - Call for papers moving earlier. We have commitments from a hotel in Eibar and another located about two km away which should give us a block of at least 50 rooms; looking into live streaming capabilities.

Ticketing - looking to change providers that are in compliance with European GDPR - to be pursued.

The conference website is being tested

Sponsorship - T. Kim Nguyen and Fulvio Casali arranging to meet to finalize handoff of responsibilities. Sponsorships are doing fine, Kim following up on changes and additions, and he is continuing his outreach for success stories.

Contributor Agreement Digitization - Paul expects to work on this during the week of 6 March.

Zope Foundation Funds

[Executive Session]

William Fennie will coordinate a subgroup meeting outside of Board time to address the specifics of this project : Erico, Jens, Matthew Wilkes, and William.

Review Ongoing

Steering Circle - First meeting took place on 2 March 2023. This is being driven by the community; not a Board project.

Many thanks to Eric Steele for leadership and for organizing the first meeting.

Plone Google Workspace - Methods for managing groups needs review.

World Plone Day planning continues; the marketing team is looking for upgraded branding and is working on getting the word out.

Board meeting open session - On of our meeting dates will be moved to 26 April (World Plone Day) and will be broadcast live via YouTube.


William Fennie moved and Kim Nguyen seconded [and Kim Paulissen thirded] that the meeting be adjourned.

Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 20:43 UTC