Plone Foundation Board Minutes March 16, 2023

Meeting called to order at 20:06 UTC


Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, T. Kim Nguyen, Kim Paulissen, Martin Peeters

Excused: Jens Klein, Paul Roland


Minutes from meeting of 2 March 2023

The minutes were reviewed and corrected. Kim Nguyen moved to accept the minutes as revised, and Kim Paulissen seconded.

Passed unanimously, with Martin Peeters abstaining

Action Items

Erico email about the budget - for next meeting; confer with Kim Nguyen

Zope Foundation - see Continued business

Marketing news item for GSoC - A page and News item have been created - many thanks to the Marketing team !

Incoming correspondence

Open Source Initiative (OSI) elections - see New business

New Business

Open Source Initiative Elections

[ Executive Session ]

Candidates for the President's role at OSI were discussed, and Erico will cast the Plone Foundation vote later today.

Knowledge-base solution for the Foundation and Plone teams

[ Executive Session ]

The AI team is looking into a knowledge-base solution to be shared by teams and communities

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) - Our proposal is going according to plan. The main need is for a more robust roster of Mentors.

Continuing Business

Plone Conference 2023

On track - A test website is up and running, and the budget is being developed.

A video announcement of the conference is planned for World Plone Day. The Call for Presentations will be published soon after.

A conference logo has been developed. We are currently confirming sprint locations and there are codes on the website for registration.

Sponsorship - T. Kim Nguyen and Fulvio Casali arranging to meet to finalize handoff of responsibilities. Kim following up on changes and additions, and he is continuing his outreach for success stories.

Contributor Agreement Digitization - Paul will report on this at the next meeting.

Review Ongoing

Open Source Talk Day in Belgium - Kim Paulissen will speak.

Zope developers got in touch for help with C; recommendation will be passed to Eric Steele.

Marketing Sprint - Set for Finland in June. sprint scheduled for 17 March; bring topics


William Fennie moved and Érico Andrei seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 20:38 UTC