Plone Foundation Board Minutes June 22, 2023

Meeting called to order at 19:04 UTC


Present: Erico Andrei, William Fennie, Jens Klein, Paul Roeland

Excused: T. Kim Nguyen, Martin Peeters

Absent: Kim Paulissen


Minutes from meeting of 25 May 2023

The minutes were reviewed and corrected. Jens Klein moved to accept the minutes as revised, and Erico Andrei seconded.

Passed unanimously.

Minutes from meeting of 8 June 2023

The minutes were reviewed and corrected. William Fennie moved to accept the minutes as revised, and Jens Klein seconded.

Passed unanimously.

Action Items

Budget letter - Continued business, still in development

Agreements process - docusign - Continued business

Report on existing sponsors - tabled to next meeting

Reviewing Plone domains - Continued business

Incoming correspondence

Request for support of a sprint in Brasil - New business

Request for support of a sprint in Vienna - New business

Open Source Initiaive asks Plone to join - Érico agrees

Two requests for verification letters for GSoC participants

New Business

Sprint requests

[ Executive Session ]

Paul Roeland moved to designate the Art Sprint as "Large" and fund to a maximum of $2,000; Erico seconded. Passed unanimously

Jens Klein moved that the Cerrado Sprint be designated a small sprint with funding to a maximum of $1,500; Paul seconded. Passed unanimously with Erico declaring an interest.

Continued Business

Erico message about budget - The budget message is still being developed

Google Summer of Code (GSoC)

No updates. Erico has been writing confirmation letters.

[ Executive Session ]

Plone Conference 2023

Development is progressing on all fronts: some registrations already, sponsors, and talks responding to the call for papers. The board seeks a diversity of presenters for the conference.

Conference sponsors welcome ! Many thanks to those who have, and to the hard working organizers of this event.


[ Executive Session ]

In every country a person should be able to find someone that provides Plone in their country. Thank you T.Kim for all your work on this issue

Contributor Agreement Digitization

Paul continues to work on improving the signing platform performance.

Zope Foundation funds

We are in contact with Charitable Allies, which specializes in non-profit legal issues.

Review Ongoing

cookiecutter - needs a new release. Erico is working with Jens on this.


Paul Roeland moved and Erico seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 19:55 UTC